Sentences with phrase «republican voter identification»

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Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee and one of the principal architects of the GOP turnout apparatus nationwide, said a top - notch voter identification and turnout effort matters more in a congressional race than a presidential one because there is «much less of a public dialogue» about individual House contests.
Terry McAuliffe, former chair of the Democratic National Committee and gubernatorial candidate in the 2009 Democratic gubernatorial primary, says that he is hearing from sources on the ground that the lines are being slowed down by Republican poll watchers who are demanding excessive proof, such as extra forms of identification, for many voters.
Some Republican state lawmakers, upset by a federal judge's ruling against the state's voter identification law, are vowing to introduce new legislation.
The commissioner even called for a law obligating voters to show photo identification at the polls — a measure Republicans have fought to push through in numerous states.
A federal court struck down North Carolina's voter identification law for precisely that reason, alleging the Republicans who crafted it targeted black voters «with almost surgical precision.»
Republicans, in a rapid sequence of votes over the next eight weeks, plan to legalize concealed weapons, deregulate the telephone industry, require voters to show photo identification at the polls, expand school vouchers and undo an early release for prisoners.
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