Sentences with phrase «requiring immediate contact»

Requiring immediate contact with counsel undermines these objectives.

Not exact matches

Parents communicate to a minimal extent and in neutral ways for anything except emergencies (which require immediate and direct contact).
If you require immediate medical assistance, please contact your healthcare provider right away.
The immediate care required by the baby includes attention to the initiation of breathing, skin - to - skin contact with the mother, warmth, immediate and exclusive breastfeeding, and clean cord care.
If your issue requires more immediate attention it is suggested you contact pof via phone.
Please contact us if you're concerned that your pet requires immediate attention.
Should the adoption not work out or you need to rehome the dog, we require by contract that you make immediate contact with us and return the dog to our care.
If a patient arrives requiring immediate medical care, we will transfer the patient to the appropriate department, with the owner's permission, to provide initial care and contact your hospital with an update.
If we feel that upon presentation, your pet is unstable and requires immediate medical care, we will (with your permission) provide this care and then contact your veterinarian to update them on your pet's condition.
If he gets worse before 24 hours are up, contact the veterinary clinic immediately and talk to the reception staff that may be able to connect you through to either the veterinary or clinic nurse who can discuss whether or not it sounds dangerous enough to require immediate veterinary help.
For your convenience, we offer 24 - hour phone answering service, so you can contact us whenever you require immediate legal assistance.
The flip side of this is that you should also rely on email when contacting colleagues, witnesses or opposing counsel (unless you need an immediate response) because it is more considerate, less intrusive, and requires less time and effort on your part.
If your issue is urgent or requires immediate attention, please contact one of our lawyers directly via telephone.
If you've been injured in an accident and believe your case requires serious and immediate legal representation, contact the Law Offices of Peter W. Summerill today.
If there is any road mishap and you need immediate medical intervention, then you can contact the alarm center / assistance companies with the required details.
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