Sentences with phrase «restorative practices range»

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«However, despite comparatively frequent use of a range of direct sanctions, ranging in severity from verbal reprimands to suspension from school, as a method, direct sanctions was rated as the least effective, notably significantly less effective than restorative practice.
PBIS and SEL can be integrated into a range of school practices and procedures, including new teacher onboarding processes focused on equity, collaborative professional learning, district policies aimed at reducing suspensions, and restorative practices.
Restorative processes range from formal practices, which require training, preparation and time, to informal ones, which are simple and practical enough to become second nature.
Definitions range from program improvement (such as integrating technology, revamping school climate through restorative justice practices, adding a maker space, implementing a new NGSS curriculum) to whole school design focused on all or multiple aspects of a school — climate, curriculum, governance, and talent.
To provide additional support to educators in mastering restorative practices, we have assembled this video library, which includes publicly available videos (and several we created ourselves) that demonstrate a range of restorative practices.
Successful programs may incorporate a wide range of strategies to reduce misbehavior and maintain a safe learning environment, including conflict resolution, restorative practices, counseling, and structured systems of positive interventions.
The design concept incorporates broad - ranged regenerative agricultural practices and makes use of every surface of the built environment, from rooftops and walls to gardens and swales, to cultivate plants and increase photosynthetic productivity within our urban landscapes, adjacent lands and remote territories that will benefit from restorative land management practices.
She is an advocate of and passionate about a holistic approach in education and has trained in a range of modalities including primary movement, promoting and supporting positive behaviour in the primary school, developing collegiality in a primary school; developing mindfulness and happiness in primary school children, as well as being a Restorative Practice practitioner and trainer.
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