Sentences with phrase «roman paganism»

Even more troubling are such theological excurses as this: Jewish monotheism was «generally unthreatening to Roman paganism
You fail to see just how ridiculous it is to hold on so tightly to the bible and the belief in god and the bible and yet your easy dismissal of ancient greek paganism, or roman paganism, or scandinavian.

Not exact matches

In Europe, Charlemagne, who in 800 A.D. became the first emperor in western Europe, after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire three centuries earlier and who was a pivotal figure in the Christianization of Europe, issued the Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae, which prescribed death for Saxons who refused to convert from their native Germanic paganism to Christianity.
Greek, Roman, Persian, Assyrian, Sumerian, Egyptian paganism?
It was in Western Europe, where it faced a much weaker paganism, was associated with the prestige of Roman civilization, and, while often favored by civil rulers, did not have to confront a continuously powerful state which controlled all phases of life, that the influence of Jesus was most marked.
Many Modern Pagans attempt to recreate (or at least re-imagine) Ancient Western paganisms, whether they are Greek, Roman, Celtic, Egyptian, or Norse.
No, the civilized world or Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire) realized the validity of Christianity and the falsehood of paganism.
Emperor Theodosius I banned paganism and imposed Trinitarian «Christianity» as the State religion of the Roman Empire.
This form of evangelism in the early church must be viewed in its cultural context, the paganism of the Roman Empire.
A Roman Emperor, Constantine, passed from paganism to Christianity.
Jesus is a myth like Apollo and Hercules and Christianity is nothing but a syncretism of Mediterranean paganism, Egyptian mystery religion, Jewish Essenism, and Grrek and Roman elements.
When one reads about Roman pagan religion, particularly the Cybele / Attis cult, one of Rome's most prominent religions and Christianity's biggest competitor, then it's hard to extrapolate what seems to be a condemnation of paganism and apply it to gay people who are Christians.
It is those Biblical teachings after all, that the Roman Church killed Christians for being in posession of while they tried to enstate paganism rituals directly contradicting them, such as Sunday sabbath and Solstice birthday, both of which directly contradict Biblical teachings.
What the so called «Christian church,» which has been contaminated by paganism from the times of the roman empire, says is irrelevant.
This all came from the Roman Catholic church, which got the idea of a priest from paganism.
First, concerned about the influence of paganism upon the Roman Christians, Paul sees homosexual expression as a result of idolatry, but he does not claim that such practices are the cause of God's wrath.
The Anglo - Saxon invasions had reduced to paganism much of the former Roman Britain.
That process was rampant back in Roman times (incorporation of paganism e.g. Christmas celebration) and continues to the present day (Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses).
Later, in the wake of large - scale Irish immigration, school texts began slandering Roman Catholicism, describing it as an anti-Christian form of paganism and idolatry.
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