Sentences with phrase «ruff club»

Please note: While Ruff Club is a social club for dogs and their humans during normal operations, this event is «hoomanz only.»
Our friends over at Ruff Club have teamed up with several LES restaurants to raise funds for Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue, a nonprofit organization that rehomes dogs pulled from rural shelters in the South.
Ruff Club's Avenue A location includes an open play area, doggie treats from Bocce's Bakery, and boarding and daycare services.

Not exact matches

He won the first trick with the ace of diamonds, ruffed a diamond in dummy and cashed the king of clubs.
Next came the ace of hearts, a heart ruff and a second diamond ruff with dummy's queen of clubs.
If hearts had been evenly divided, with West originally holding three to the queen, that player would have been forced to lead a club or else give declarer a ruff in dummy while he discarded a second club.
Koytchou continued with a second round of clubs and South ruffed, leading the queen of hearts for a finesse.
A more suspicious declarer might have taken a bit of insurance by postponing a repetition of the apparently successful heart finesse for long enough to enter dummy with a diamond and ruff a third club with the jack of hearts.
The winning play is to cash the club ace at trick three, lead to the club king and ruff a diamond.
He would still have a small heart for a finesse of dummy's 10, but the extra club ruff in the South hand would have averted disaster: when East gained the lead with the heart king he would not have another club to return.
East could ruff with the master trump any time he wished, after which declarer would still have a trump in his hand to ruff a diamond loser, the heart ace on which to discard dummy's other low diamond and a trump in dummy to get back to the good clubs.
A heart return, which would be ruffed by South, would enable declarer to cash the club king and lead the jack to establish dummy's fourth club for a diamond discard.
Whenever West chose to ruff, dummy could overruff, and South's hand remained with the 5 of trumps — the only one outstanding — as an entry to the good clubs.
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