Sentences with phrase «russian aristocrat»

The underrated Russian aristocrat Nicolas de Stael (1914 - 1955) produced simple landscape - style forms with thick coloured paint, before committing suicide in 1955.
The Russian aristocrat painter Nicolas de Stael - was born in St Petersburg, brought up in Brussels, and resided mainly in France, where he obtained citizenship in 1948.
They were subsequently passed to an exiled Russian aristocrat who claimed his family had owned the works prior to the Bolshevik revolution.
Miserably, impossibly in love with the beautiful daughter of a Russian aristocrat, Esko is at the brink of despair when, in the magical light of the aurora borealis, he has a vision of an impossibly tall building rising gracefully from the frozen lake and disappearing into the clouds above him.
It stars Nicolas de Gunzburg (a Russian aristocrat who bankrolled the film, appearing under the alias Julian West) as an occult - obsessed young man who visits a French village haunted by a vampire.
It is about a Russian aristocrat under house arrest in Moscow after the Bolsheviks come to power and how he comes to terms with his new situation.
As a result it became the place for the international elite to stay when traveling to Moscow, hosting wealthy foreigners as well as Russian aristocrats.
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