Sentences with phrase «sal effects»

SAL effects produce additional variations in ocean mass ranging from a few mm to more than 1 cm and can be of the same order of magnitude as the variations in dynamic bottom pressure in several ocean regions.
In this study we examine the impact of SAL effects on ocean mass redistribution under different surface loads (land hydrology, atmospheric pressure, ocean dynamics), using a number of geophysical models and GRACE observations.
There had been a couple of papers (Dunion and Velden (2004) comes to mind) that had mentioned the SAL effect noted above.

Not exact matches

The results show that the effects of SAL physics lead to time - varying, non-uniform spatial patterns and are an important component of ocean mass variability on scales from months to years.
The NAMMA field campaign in 2006 was designed to measure the effects of the SAL on hurricane development.
However, where the SAL extends over low marine clouds, the dust (since it is darker than cloud) might have an opposing effect to that seen in clear sky regions, although this is hard to quantify.
If there is a connection, one hypothesis is that entrainment of dry SAL air rapidly strangles a developing cyclone because of the low humidity that accompanies the dusty air, while the dust itself has no direct effect.
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