Sentences with phrase «still ere»

Yes, summer is still ere, but the days are getting shorter....
Makes me wonder how wenger is still ere!
sometimes outta Jealousy...... BUT...... WE ARE STILL ERE... WE ARE AMONG THE TOP ECHELON IN THE WORLD FOOTBALL...... And we'd still be here Longa after giggs, neville, scholes + other ex Liverpool mugs...........

Not exact matches

and people ere still have faith in wenger n dat I don't understand..
u think you represent «the still voice» to the admin on ere?
ere are still fans of those games.
Th» world still awaits a proper inquiry into climategate: one that be nay stacked wi» global warmin» advocates, an» one that be prepared t» cross-examine evidence, interview critics as well as lubbers aboard o» th» CRU an» other IPCC players, an» follow th» affadavys «ere «they clearly leads.
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