Sentences with phrase «said toady»

Not exact matches

Love it, the inept, incompetent, corrupt, union toady is really «slamming» and «blasting» Republicans with stuff that even the New York Times says is not true.
These scientists (and, for that matter, anyone with a public profile who has anything critical to say about global warming) are whores — «industry shills», «corporate toadies», or part of the «well funded denial machine» — who not only prostitute themselves, but also sell us all out to an apocalypse for dirty, dirty dollars... Those who «deny» climate change are in fact, denying a «holocaust ``.
You know, BBD, you're straining your hive - conditioned, party - line flunky, pea - brain just a bit too hard with your little, over-wrought, unconvincing, reductio ad absurdum «proof» that «consensus» climate scientists are not, in the main, sell - out, toady, enablers of the CAGW scam — toiling away (as much as a bunch of parasite, suck - up, goof - off, sloth - freak dorks with a spoiled brat sense of entitlement can ever be said to «toil away» at anything) on behalf of your trough - provider, make - a - buck / make - a-gulag, ripoff - the - taxpayer betters.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z