Sentences with phrase «salmon smolts»

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Because juvenile salmon, or smolt, leave their freshwater spawning grounds to spend an average of two to three years maturing at sea, the boom in 2001 was right on schedule.
Post-smolt means the smolt of Atlantic salmon which have been transferred from fresh water to sea water.
«They eat the salmon eggs and smolt (the minnows) and grow mega-size,» he says.
Later in the year and soon after the smolt depart, much larger salmon are returning from the ocean.
On occasion biologists can be seen hard at work conducting fish surveys in Redwood Creek to monitor three crucial periods in the life cycle of coho salmon: junvenille, smolt, and adult.
Increasing egg to smolt survival will have drastic effects on salmon populations.
smolt a young salmon or sea trout about two years old that is at the stage of development when it assumes the silvery color of the adult and is ready to migrate to the sea
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