Sentences with phrase «schism over»

In the late 17th century there was a schism over the issue of how and when to enforce the «meidung» (shunning of non-confirming members) which led to a group breaking away under the leadership of Jakob Ammann, which became known as the Amish.
Reflecting the growing schism over the Common Core are two different recent editorials in major newspapers: The Los Angeles Time editorial board urged city officials to delay its implementation to make sure that it is done properly, while the New York Times editorial board told parents not to be afraid of the new Common Core - aligned standardized tests and it blamed Republicans for the opposition.
An incident leads to the Avengers developing a schism over how to deal with situations, which escalates into an open fight between allies Iron Man and Captain America.
And the schism over the station overhauls is but a piece of the mayor's differing vision on the subway.
Curiously, there is a huge schism over these two discipleship models today, and generally, this schism seems to follow along generational lines.
Curiously, there is a huge schism over these two approaches today, and generally, this schism seems to follow along generational lines.
I can see it now; in a thousand years the Great Schism over whether the prophet Rick actually said «it will come» or «I will come».

Not exact matches

It was built on a complex and evolving set of treaties, informal agreements, and legal fictions through which the Church conceded to Catholic sovereigns rights over many aspects of ecclesiastical life — in exchange for which those sovereigns protected the Church from schism and supplied the resources for missions across the world.
Divisions (Greek word schismata, from which we get or English word schism) were breaking out all over the place.
Every time there was some ridiculous little quibble over theology or doctrine (like how many angels could dance on the head of a pin), there'd be a schism, and 2 different groups would go their separate ways, each one convinced it had a lock on God's absolute truth and that their opponents with heathen heretic apostate sinners doomed (DOOMED, I tell you!)
For all the hoopla over the Roman Catholic schism, and the emergence of the Protestants, really... the original schism of East and West is where divergency rears its head.
Suddenly the pot begins to boil over, and there's political rebellion in the streets, schism in the churches.
Moreover, with religions that have been around for more than a few generations and have weathered more than a few schisms, the deeper you get into them the more you find that the way - out - wacky stuff at the beginning is of a piece with the insights that have kept people coming back to them over the years, and that those insights include vital truths not generally available elsewhere.
Archbishop Rowan Williams, head of the world Anglican Communion, is trying to prevent schisms in the communion after clashes over homosexuality and women bishops.
The claim you make is based on the doctrine of Papal Supremacy over the Conciliar Kings, formulated by Dufay's mentor d'Ailly with the view of resolving the Great Western Schism on a permanent, defendable basis, and instigated by Pope Eugenius IV and his successors from 1433 onwards.
The momentous schism between the «Southern» and «Northern» Baptists occurred in 1845 amid the growing debate over slavery and related issues.
During the postseason, that schism grows even larger with indoor overs going 23 - 8 (74.2 %) and outdoor overs going just 49 - 66 (42.6 %).
Ultimately, the problems faced by Labour over Europe are nothing when compared to the enormous schism currently dividing the Conservatives.
A schism followed the death of the prophet in 632 and the conflicts over his succession that resulted.
It is over 1,000 years since the Great Schism fully separated Western and Eastern churches, and despite the Council of Florence in 1445, and a very temporary reunification, the divides and wounds in the body of Christ deepened greatly 500 years ago.
The fight over the so - called Faso - Collins amendment in the health care reform measures has naturally created its own schisms in New York, a political microburst that has mostly divided Republicans from Democrats, and upstate from downstate.
Right again that tokenism can go «disastrously wrong as different religions, sects, and schisms within the same ethnic communities emerge over an election campaign».
After days of frenzy over Jeremy Corbyn's first reshuffle, the schism in the parliamentary Labour party becomes a little more formalised.
Skelos ceded power over the Senate's majority conference a week after his arrest to fellow Long Island Republican Sen. John Flanagan As was the case with Silver and his Democrats, GOP support for Skelos eroded quickly as a schism between upstate and downstate conference members began to show.
Because lawmakers retain some control over panel membership and the shape of its final product, Proposal One has resulted in a schism within New York's good - government community.
He famously feuded with German scientist Gottfried Leibnitz, mainly over who invented calculus first, creating a schism in European mathematics that lasted over a century.
In The 74, Derrell Bradford's contribution to the heated debate over the ed - reform ideological schism was both principled and conciliatory.
In 1983, Jobs took over the development of the Macintosh computer, but caused a schism in the company between the Macintosh and Apple II divisions.
Clinton has to negotiate a schism within the Democratic Party over education policy.
The involvement of such high - profile Obama alumni highlights the sharp schism within the Democratic Party over education reform.
This small schism between reviewing sites has mushroomed over the past twenty - four hours into a new kind of publishing paradigm for me.
I think there is still a schism between Apple and non-Apple users, which means the Xoom will sell fine to the latter market despite being priced over the iPad.
We go over some of the ins and outs of the anti-capitalist critique of games journalism with pieces from Lana Polansky and Ian Williams, as well as more coverage of the on - going gaming culture schisms.
Schisms start over whether the anthropogenic component is negligible, significant, or dominant and whether the long term effects are beneficial, benign, inconvenient, hazardous, or cataclysmic.
In an attempt to solve the so - called «Western Schism» and reunite the church, theologians from all over Europe summoned an ecumenical council which met at Pisa.
But once bitcoin's volatility settles down (which may be a while, on the evidence of a recent schism in its developer ranks), bitcoin has clear technical advantages over PayPal, banks and credit cards for online payments.
These questions have plagued and challenged our various psychological and psychiatric professions, for over a century, causing major arguments, divisions and schisms.
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