Sentences with phrase «school choice supporters need»

Even if they disagree with the general assessment of the danger that vouchers pose to private schools, school choice supporters need the most powerful coalition they can muster to pass and defend school choice legislation.

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While supporters of traditional public schools decry the changes, school choice supporters argued Tuesday that North Carolina is now doing a better job of meeting the needs of individual students.
This week, Brandon, a former High Point - area legislator who now heads the school choice advocacy group, Carolina CAN, told members of the right - leaning John Locke Foundation in Raleigh that charter supporters need to be more «forceful» on the issue in the coming days.
As supporters of public school choice policies that provide students — regardless of zip code — with the great teachers and quality schools that they need to succeed, we are proud to celebrate National School Choice Weekschool choice policies that provide students — regardless of zip code — with the great teachers and quality schools that they need to succeed, we are proud to celebrate National School Choice Weekchoice policies that provide students — regardless of zip code — with the great teachers and quality schools that they need to succeed, we are proud to celebrate National School Choice WeekSchool Choice WeekChoice Week 2017.
Supporters of voucher programs assert that the programs offer parents much - needed choice, as vouchers allow parents to shop around for a school that best meets their child's needs.14 However, this choice comes with a high cost.
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