Sentences with phrase «school mission statements»

Why do most school mission statements have little impact on the work of the school?
The benefits going forward As a faith school our mission statement is «We are all one in Christ», and the environment we have created in the school closely mirrors this, in that everyone is equal and should be respected and treated as such.
The principle of citizenship is entwined in many school mission statements as well.
«Most school mission statements proclaim the intention of educating every child to the level of his or her potential, yet many times those words have no translation value for the gifted as they sit bored in classrooms where their instructional level exceeds by years their age - peers sitting in the next seat.
School mission statements that promise «learning for all» have become a cliché.
As an administrator, consider one game - changing mindset shift: become a detective at your school and gather stories directly connected to your school brand (in other words, those that relate back to your school mission statement).
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