Sentences with phrase «scientists at liberal»

Scientists at liberal arts colleges feel pulled in many directions.

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Except that the «liberal press» (at least here) is calling him what he'd like to think he is, but isn't: a scientist.
Unfortunately, there are many features of the book that will alienate scientists and bioethicists, as well as many liberals, who will be put off by Kass's at times cavalier treatment of their commitments.
Speaking at a fringe meeting at the Liberal Democrat Conference in Bournemouth, the famous atheist and scientist told delegates that it was unacceptable to indoctrinate children into any religion or belief system.
In fact, high - quality research is being done at small liberal arts colleges, and the importance of undergraduate research experiences in preparing future scientists is widely recognized.
Scientists at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center have teamed up with researchers at Willamette University, a liberal arts college in Salem Oregon, to develop genetic tools that could save the Joshua tree from extinction.
First, Will believes that environmentalists and most academics, apparently including most scientists, are at the same time fuzzy - headed liberals.
For many years, I heard smokers say that the evidence about smoking and illness was hooey, that «scientists» weren't sure, that their grandpappy smoked until he died at 90 and so forth, I heard all kinds of claims about the granola police and the rest, and this was fed by the same crowd, by so called «scientists» working for tobacco companies, and the tobacco state politicians who fought every regulation and report tooth and nail and claimed it was all liberal propoganda and the like.
The Center for American Progress, a liberal nonprofit group with strong ties to the Obama administration, organized a telephone conference call, including two of the scientists embroiled in the fracas over the disclosed e-mails, that it said was aimed at «setting the record straight on global warming.»
The other scientist who met with Trump in January was Dr. David Gelernter, the computer science pioneer at Yale University also known for his conservative views and wide - ranging writing, including indictments of liberal intellectuals for allegedly tainting academia.
Deep Climate: I'm not a climate scientist but a historian of Latin America, teaching at a small liberal arts college in South - Central PA, USA, where climate deniers are thick on the ground.
Liberals and those with «egalitarian» values didn't lose much trust in climate science or scientists at all.
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