Sentences with phrase «see supplementary figure»

That is what Kosaka and Xie found in their elegant little model experiment — see their supplementary Figure 3.
Consumption of fermented milk products (soured milk and yogurt) indicated a negative relation with both the oxidative stress and the inflammatory markers (see supplementary figure C, panel A).

Not exact matches

The speed of spread [see the figure, top, and the supplementary materials (SM)-RSB- has made effective public health responses challenging.
Interestingly, several pir genes have 1:1 orthologues across the different species (Supplementary Table 1, see Figure 4B).
An ice sheet forcing does not depend sensitively on the ice sheet shape or on how many ice sheets the ice volume is divided among and is nearly linear in sea - level change (see electronic supplementary material, figure S4, and [5]-RRB-.
In that event, figure 7 suggests a global mean warming approaching 25 °C, with much larger warming at high latitudes (see electronic supplementary material, figure S6).
Thus, below we also consider the implications for climate sensitivity of an assumption that ΔTs = 1.5 × ΔTdo prior to 5.33 Myr BP, which yields Ts approximately 33 °C at 50 Myr BP (see electronic supplementary material, figure S3).
If the EECO global temperature exceeded 28 °C, as suggested by multi-proxy data taken at face value (see above), climate sensitivity implied by the EECO warmth and the PETM warming is close to the full Russell climate sensitivity (see electronic supplementary material, figures S7 — S9).
For the long - term experiment, the constant temperature regimes of the seawater bath were replaced with a seasonal cycle (adjusted monthly; see electronic supplementary material, figure S2) to match either historical mean monthly temperatures at the study site (ambient) or a warming scenario (ambient cycle +4 °C).
Aquaria in the short - term experiment were held in a seawater bath at a constant temperature (Titan 1500 chiller unit, Aqua Medic) to reflect either the annual mean temperature of the study site (10.24 ± 0.02 °C; see electronic supplementary material, figure S2) or a warming scenario of +4 °C (14.36 ± 0.12 °C; see electronic supplementary material, figure S2).
Using a similar approach, we have found a robust correlation (Way, B.M., Hunter, J.F., and Lieberman, M.D. manuscript in preparation; see Supplementary Material) between the A118G polymorphism and individualism — collectivism (Figure 1).
Participants in two classes of transitory poverty were placed in - between these two extremes in their association with demographic variables (see table 2 and online supplementary figure 1).
For the internalising and externalising subscales, no significant difference between intervention and control group was found (see online supplementary figures 2 and 3).
In the right dlPFC and left supplementary motor cortex, interactions between handholding and EFT suggest that from pre - to post - therapy, threat - related activity decreased during partner but increased during stranger handholding, Fs (1, 44.6 to 48.9) = 5.0, ps =.03 (see Figure 5).
The significant partner presence by attachment avoidance interaction on P2 local peak amplitude, b = 3.29, SE = 1.32, P = 0.013, ƒ2 = 0.371, is presented in the bottom panel of Figure 1 (see also Supplementary Figure S3).
Prevalence rates for the other items on this scale were similar to corresponding items in the NorAQ (see online supplementary figure S1).
NorAQ was developed to measure abuse in the health care system as well as emotional (three items), physical (three items) and sexual (four items) abuse by different perpetrators (see online supplementary figure S1).
Nations with a higher historical prevalence of disease - causing pathogens showed a higher prevalence of S allele carriers (see electronic supplementary material, figure S2).
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