Sentences with phrase «see the above discussion»

(See the above discussion about the difference between chicken and chicken meal).
2) Intersection cameras and eyewitnesses key Because the police report is normally skewed in favor of the driver (see above discussion), the personal injury attorneys representing the injured pedestrian are required to conduct a proper investigation to disprove the police investigation.

Not exact matches

See discussion above, «Use and Definitions of Non-GAAP Financial Measures,» regarding consideration of such costs and items when evaluating the underlying financial performance.
But, as the discussion above suggests, if Bill 12 were applied in such a way as to change the rules with respect to the batching of product on the TransMountain pipeline it would be necessary to examine very carefully if this created one of the two forms of prohibited conflict between provincial legislation and the terms of the National Energy Board Act (see the common carrier rules of s 71 (1)-RRB-, and any applicable Board decisions relating to the prorating of capacity on the TransMountain pipeline.
It is always true of Dasein that «I am it»; but in a discussion where what «be» means is precisely what is under question — above all when made grammatically finite in the first person (see SZ 24 = BT 46)-- this tells us much less than we might think.
The understanding of historical judgment as positive in divine purpose may well be already implicit in Amos (see 4:6 - 11 and the discussion above) But still in the eighth century, it is most warmly expounded in Hosea (see especially 2:14 - 23; 5:15; 11:11) It is a pervasive if often only implicit element in the utterances of Jeremiah and makes possible that stunning declaration of a new covenant with Israel «after those days» of judgment:
For me, both answers are «no», but I can see how the various interpretations I wrote above, and the two issues outlined, make the word «miracle» needing definition if there is to be a back - and - forth discussion that makes any sense.
For the above discussion of internal and external history see H, Richard Niebuhr, The Meaning of Revelation, pp. 44 ff.)
Such an understanding is surprisingly similar to what was seen in the discussion of ekklēsia above.
I have followed that discussion on several «Christian» blogs, and whatever position one takes on the issue, the ensuing discussion always degenerates into «demeaning or putting down other people who comment, name - calling, rudeness, unkindness and similar behavior», which the Moderator of this blog warned us in the above comments (See August 4 at 4:34 PM) will not be tolerated on this blog.
Tony has been extremely consistent in saying that Arsenal has flaws (see living wage discussion) but his main point today is that there can be no conceivable reason to keep any of this secret... if it is above board.
This isn't in contrast to the discussion above, which notes that Matthew and Weaver make an interesting point — if we want to talk about «true» climate inertia, we should set our future emissions to zero and see how the system responds.
As mentioned above, an additional three hearing 75d birds were used in order to facilitate comparison between our measurements and those obtained by another study (Haesler et al., 2004; see Discussion)[15].
Please see the discussion above about the Newcastle protocol for reversing diabetes.
Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi (seen in the teaser photo above when he won the Oscar in 2012 for A Separation) is the centerpoint of the discussion this year.
In the accompanying lesson (see link above), students explore the themes of cultural displacement, human rights, and resilience through classroom discussions.
I can already see us previewing images like the one above for a Do Now discussion and quick - write.
Some discussion about the difference between beta reader and editor (see above)... and the group is divided on the definition.
See the main Display Shoot - Out Comparison Table for all the DisplayMate Lab measurements and test details, and see the Results Highlights section above for a more detailed introduction and overview with expanded discussions and explanatioSee the main Display Shoot - Out Comparison Table for all the DisplayMate Lab measurements and test details, and see the Results Highlights section above for a more detailed introduction and overview with expanded discussions and explanatiosee the Results Highlights section above for a more detailed introduction and overview with expanded discussions and explanations.
See the substantial discussion and links in the section on Kindle Unlimited in Jane Friedman's post, mentioned above.
-- See the discussion about the «first sale» under traditional publishing above.
Continuing our discussion of credit limits, based on the information outlined above, you can see that if you are not carrying a balance on a credit card or line of credit of more than 30 % of your credit limit, you're going to have a lot of credit that's available to you that you're not using.
Notice in the example above how the close is lower than the open in the down bars highlighted, this is typical of most down bars although it is not necessary as we saw in the up bar discussion.
(See previous discussion above.)
If you see in the past you will find many other better funds for a specific time period as mentioned in above discussion.
An option that worked for me is one I didn't see in the discussion above: careful screening of the prospective new adopter by the current dog - parent (s), and vice-versa.
As you can see from the discussion above, there many possible types of dog skin problems.
That's not a bad choice if your time is valuable, but have you included that additional cost in your calculations as well (see the discussion of «math» above)?
As you can see from the blueprint above there is a discussion around a Biotic Rifle that has Mercy's Caduceus Staff and Soldier: 76's Biotic Field healing ability incorporated in to it.
Next, you could conflate the «buckets» used in recent decades (as seen in the graphs in Kent et al 2007 «s discussion of the ICOADS meta - data) with the buckets in the pre-war period (see photo above) and exaggerate how prevalent they were.
See the Jones and Mann (2004) review paper cited above for a detailed discussion of these and related issues.
Thank you for your reply but I don't see how that fits in to the discussion as to whether the scientists can not be trusted because they have a vested interest in getting more research grants (which is the point I was responding to above
This can be used as a rough guide for sizing your furnace — but see the discussion on Internal Gains above.
This is because, from the discussion above, we would expect to see sea level changes, since global temperatures do seem to have changed over the last century (whether the temperature trends are man - made or natural in origin).
referring to your analogy of hockey lines and your interests being akin to the third line of the discussion, I can see why you are making the points above.
See also discussion at # 15 above.
However, this phenomenon can not explain the mismatch to the other published proxy records clearly indicating warm climatic conditions in the High Northern Latitudes at that time (see discussion above).
(See discussion of these in my comments above with Vaughan Pratt) TCR is estimated (95 % confidence) in the range 1 to 3 degrees per CO2 doubling, or about 0.3 to 0.8 degrees per W / m ^ 2.
This discussion makes an interesting points, but like Luke above I see some pitfalls.
The trick has to do with what you assume are the possible sub games that can be played (see my discussion with Brad above).
15 07 2009 Deep Climate (10:48:39): I see that my most recent blog post on UAH annual cycle has been cited above by Paul K. I previously had a more complete discussion of this phenomenon in two parts: Also see posts by Tamino (Open Mind) and atmoz (Google search UAH annual cycle).
However, by summarizing the above discussion, we believe that several indications have been already accumulated (see the references cited above) that make the LTP hypothesis very plausible in contrast to the implausibility of common alternative hypotheses such as IID (usually implicit in most statistical analyses of hydroclimatic processes.
If you look at the above discussion then you will see that I argued your point repeatedly until the arguments of Mike Jonas forced me to concede that I was wrong.
At this stage the ethical considerations (top left of the above figure; see my previous post here for a discussion) were applied to each trajectory, by combining each of the 48 projected global economic growth rates (g) with four combinations of η and δ.
This isn't in contrast to the discussion above, which notes that Matthew and Weaver make an interesting point — if we want to talk about «true» climate inertia, we should set our future emissions to zero and see how the system responds.
I see the latter as happening most often when «skeptics» present their interpretations of Schneider's views: they present their interpretations as facts, not interpretations, and they fail to account for the full range of what he said If a «skeptic» is willing to rise above that bias - confirming line of discussion, I see something to talk about.
Anyone who doesn't believe the above, I challenge to provide a counter-example or two so we can got to Steve's discussion of said proxies and see how they hold up to auditing.
PS re CFCs: See this WUWT thread for a discussion of the paper I mentioned above:
I've not seen any mention of a possible morals clause or morality clause within Ghomenshi's contract in the above discussion.
As you can see from the discussion above, determining when and where to pursue a personal injury lawsuit stemming from a truck accident can be a complex situation.
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