Sentences with phrase «sensing human conditions»

Sensing human conditions Dogs also have the ability to detect disease and other conditions in humans, as well as to predict when a woman is going to go into labor.

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This ability to use vision and touch sensing to improvise its way to successful task completion makes Baxter highly adaptable to the ordinary, human - oriented work conditions found in small - company assembly lines.
«Liberalism, socialism, and pragmatism may all be termed optimistic in the sense that they are all premised on the idea that the application of reason to human social and political conditions will ultimately result in the melioration of these conditions.
It should limit Autopilot's operation only to those conditions, and have a far more effective system to sense, verify, and safely react when the human driver's level of engagement in the driving task is insufficient or when the driver fails to react to warnings.
Building on but moving beyond psychological understandings of guilt, and excavating the reality of wrong «being that underlies our wrong» doing, Pieper brings the wisdom tradition of Plato, Augustine, and Aquinas into conversation with moderns, both Christian and anti-Christian, who try to make sense of sin and evil in the human condition.
He felt that the common sense notion was built into the human condition.
He shows us that our sense of the alternatives — that we must choose between the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith, between prophet and institution, between catastrophic kingdom and inner kingdom between being political and being sectarian, between the individual and the social — derives not from categories intrinsic to the human condition but from a depoliticization of salvation that has made Christianity a faithful servant of the status quo.
Sidney Hook captures this sense of the vulnerability of the human condition when he defines pragmatism as «the theory and practice of enlarging human freedom in a precarious and tragic world by the arts of intelligent social control it may not be [a] lost [cause] if we can summon the courage and intelligence to support our faith in freedom...» (CAP 193).
Those who have made these observations but maintain a sense of humor about themselves and the human condition in general are more likely to call themselves agnostics.
One wonders how many novelists and, for that matter, how many sermonizers are prepared to confront in such detail this difficult fact about the human condition, that sooner or later most of us will be called on to give adults, to whom we are bound with the most powerful ties of love and respect, the services we associate with the care of an infant, with their sense of dignity, and our own, now and for all eternity, dependent on the delicate attention and sensitivity we bring to the task, even as they gaze upon us helpless and vulnerable.
They may be made in the sense that by human activity conditions are created in which the values become manifest.
His purposes for institutions are in this sense akin to his purposes; for other inanimate or nonhuman portions of the creation, They are: necessary conditions instrumental for the fulfillment of human aims and of the divine aims for human beings.
For, as Heidegger characterized it, human being is a condition of «thrownness», and the sense of finitude which it evokes generates the anxiety about being - in - the - world as well as the anxiety of being - in - the - world.
Furthermore, human sense perception is only to be understood as a condition of the possibility of intellectual cognition, posited by spirit in contradistinction to itself but for itself, and consequently once again affirms the kinship of spirit and matter.
Furthermore, we need to recognize the plain fact that a good deal of physical and, even more obviously, of psychological suffering is made possible through exactly the same human (and other) conditioning that makes it possible to enjoy the sense of well - being, even of joy.
In fact, when social scientists contemplate the mutually conditioning relations among human development, family structures, law, commerce, and the overall culture, their situation is similar to that of natural scientists trying to make sense of such complex phenomena as the long - range weather or turbulence in fluids.
Such a strategy assumes that what makes a Christian a Christian is holding certain beliefs that help us better understand the human condition, to make sense of our experience.
The appreciation of community changes our basic sense of how to improve the human condition.
But it makes good logical sense to say that as elements of human knowledge, the so - called apriori truths are mere hypotheses about the universal conditions of existence.
Dalit consciousness is a reaction to dominant forces rooted in an yearning for relief from human conditions of existence and a sense of utter powerlessness in the depths of oppression.
One might have expected Catholicism to add a distinctive leaven to the intellectual dialogue in America, bringing as it did a different sense of the past and of the world, a different awareness of the human condition and of the imperatives of institutions.
In a general sense, one can speak of four areas of struggle: (i) the system of economic exploitation and social stratification (racial segregation, women's working conditions, unemployment and the new legislation of «flexibility and «deregulation); (ii) the ideology (the way of representing the world, social relations, etc.) that justifies the system — the new ideologies of race superiority, the religious legitimation of competition and the so - called free market as the only and sufficient way of organizing human life (iii) the ways in which the consciousness of the oppressed, is led to interject this ideology of domination and to develop a feeling of self - denial and self - devaluation; (iv) the atomization of the society through the weakening and destruction of neighborhood, workers and local cultural manifestations.
But — and this is a huge qualifier — if that message of justification by God's undeserved love is preached apart from an unmasking of the actual power relations which have aggravated these feelings to the level of a social neurosis; if people are released from the rat race of upward mobility only privatistically, with no critique of the economic and social ideology that stimulates such desperate cravings; if people are liberated from a bad sense of themselves without any sense of mission to change the conditions that waste human beings in such a way, then justification by faith becomes a mystification of the actual power relations, and the Christian gospel is indeed the opiate of the masses.
Two traits of classical theism were that it either (like Stoicism and Spinozism) clearly and consistently denied human freedom (in the straightforward sense of actions being not wholly determined by their causal conditions) or else ambiguously or contradictorily affirmed and denied causal determinism — truly classically in Aquinas's statement that God strictly causes our actions but in such fashion that we were also free to act otherwise.
It being all sense of normal human condition.
:: Urgently pay Edo State pensioners over 42 months outstanding pension benefits and entitlements from the over N29bn Paris Club refunds received by your government and meant for the payment of pension arrears and gratuities;:: Adopt a human rights policy of guaranteeing regular payment of pension benefits and entitlements so that pensioners and their families can live decently;:: Recognize the human rights of Edo State pensioners and ensure their full and effective enjoyment of those rights, as well as provide them with information to enable them to claim their rights;:: Treat all pensioners in Edo State as individuals with humanity and dignity and respect and promote their higher standard of living and improve economic and social conditions for all pensioners;:: Provide Edo State pensioners with proper support and assistance to alleviate their plight, including by ensuring informal, community - based and recreation - oriented programs for pensioners to help develop their sense of self - reliance and independence;:: Reduce opportunities for corruption in the spending of the Paris Club refunds
Although the new data are «fascinating,» they «remain very contrived in the sense that they don't bear a direct relationship to what we see in the human condition,» says Colin Masters, a neuroscientist at the University of Melbourne in Australia.
A thriller and a mystery, both in the traditional sense and into the human condition, Dolan's psychological examination tremors with suspense and tingles with style.
Noah Baumbach adapts to the human condition vision that has been demonstrated by filmmakers such as Woody Allen, Paul Mazurzky and Jean Luc Godard, but his work still has a sense of emergence and contemporary relevance that feels fresh.
In that sense Jaguar's Children fulfills fiction's essential function remarkably well — shining light on the human condition.
The six narratives in this wide - ranging collection are enlivened by the author's sense of black humor and evident compassion for the human condition.
Dr. Cerny: Many dogs can handle much colder conditions than humans, but nothing beats common sense.
And it only makes sense that, just like with humans, an unborn baby might be affected by a mother's stress: Stressful puppy mill conditions that hurt mom, which include being bred constantly without any rest time, can potentially also harm her puppies.
Carlos Ochoa makes spaces to immerse your vision and auditory senses and expand an understanding of the human condition.
My intention is to create artwork that evokes this sense of transcendent mystery and purpose and to imbue my work with a vulnerability and vitality that reflect a human condition, emotion or state of mind.
Each economical vignette evokes a sense of wonder, magic, loneliness, and an underlying darkness characteristic of the contemporary human condition.
In the broadest sense their practice is concerned with the human condition and how it is mediated through the structures, narratives and technologies that govern lived experience, knowing that what constitutes this experience is shifting along with ideas about sovereignty, gender, matter and even sentience itself.
«Epic Paintings» carries with it a sense of history and tradition, grand style, ambitious, and larger - than - life narratives of the human condition.
To succeed, they have to transgress the materiality of corporal being, breaking the chains of a human condition bound to the senses.
Philip Aguirre y Otegui makes sculptures, paintings, drawings, collages, prints and installations using traditional materials to engage with contemporary politics and the social condition, often reflecting a profound sense of human tragedy.
By invoking seemingly antagonistic art - historical models — from the technological experiments of Russian constructivism to the base materialism of Bataillean surrealism and the cybernetic systems aesthetics of Jack Burnham, as well as the entropic geographies of Robert Smithson — «Foreign in a Domestic Sense» participates in contemporary discussions regarding the power of things and materials to operate beyond the scope and frame of the human, while insisting on an urgent geopolitical awareness about the conditions of Puerto Rico and kindred territories in the global south.
Irresolute himself, he sense that is part of the human condition, something to be encompassed in his work, and even treasured.
In offering a pause for consideration and reflection on the human condition, the exhibition will allow viewers to connect with the sorts of simple truths that are overlooked in our hectic world, and ends by suggesting a sense of simple joy at being alive in the here and now.
Dubos was one of our founding fathers, present at the creation, and the first part of his essay traces his sometimes - painful steps from bench scientist as a bacteriologist to someone profoundly focused on the human condition and the ways that the world that humans inherit, alter and leave behind shape human health, not only in the narrow sense of healthy people but in the larger sense of societal health and well - being.
I don't agree either on your approach of leaving ethical considerations and sustainability aside as I admit to being «Malthusian» in the sense that I believe that humans have now the power of affecting the global environment (including the resource base) so much that we can affect significantly the conditions that future generations will meet
I don't agree either on your approach of leaving ethical considerations and sustainability aside as I admit to being «Malthusian» in the sense that I believe that humans have now the power of affecting the global environment (including the resource base) so much that we can affect significantly the conditions that future generations will meet — but then you did discuss these issues in point 6.
In his new book, Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future, McKibben is most concerned about our sense of self in a «hyper - individualized world,» a world in which we've been conditioned to deprioritize personal connections with other human beings in the pursuit of individual success, monetary or otherwise.
In many cases the ADAS equipment senses triggers that the average human driver fails to pick up altogether when driving in the dark or in inclement weather conditions.
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