Sentences with phrase «set by its boundaries»

Set by its boundaries — Gunnison to the north, Belmont to the south, Kenton to the east and Narragansett to the west — Portage Park has truly evolved into a family - friendly neighborhood over the years with plenty of places to enjoy due to the revitalization of businesses.
While we can probably say that the overall column of smoke will continue to rise, we can make that rather limited statement only because the eddies are restricted or «contained» by a boundary (the flue), and can not grow to a size any bigger than the limit set by the boundary.

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They set appropriate boundaries and take care of themselves by saying no to things when they need to.
The prosecutor declined to bring charges, explaining that he could not prove «the officers acted outside the constitutional boundaries set forth by the Supreme Court.»
For U.S. workers, another benefit for a shorter work day is reduced stress, as many tend to work far beyond the work - life boundaries set by many other countries.
This is accomplished by setting «acceptable boundaries» more narrowly and then modifying the production process until the new quality goal is met.
And for those of us who are married, it's important to continually prioritize our marriages by setting boundaries with our extended family that simultaneously encourage relationship and reduce conflict.
«Don't cheat your neighbor by moving the ancient boundary markers set up by previous generations.»
Since when once is seeking an honest answer one does not limit the discussion by setting boundaries such as: «Without arbitrarily labeling as mass mental illness,» especially when that could very well be the case.
It is an experience of living together, in community and in conflict, within boundaries set by our moral and philosophical commitments but also under conditions determined by our vices and virtues, our character, our circumstances, and the habits of our variegated culture.
Certainly there is much evidence today that the human race has transgressed the boundaries set by nature and will have to pay an enormous price.
The most obvious manifestation of the illicit, involving the crossing of boundaries set by social mores and norms, is found in the persistent adulterous character of the narrative.
The boundaries of comparative contexts will be set by various communities of scholars who, in doing so, will stamp their enterprises with whatever character they choose or are compelled to choose.
Its boundary has been set by the manifestation of a «wholly - other order of reality.»
On the one hand, the enterprise of copying, correcting, translating, and publishing texts — the business of scholarship; on the other, the enterprise of delivering to the Church an intact Old Testament and a New Testament that conforms to the mind of Christ: this involves setting the boundaries of the canon by choosing and rejecting among rival testimonies, selecting the best text of each canonical witness, suppressing additions and interpolations, suppressing mistranslations, and so forth.
Humans are «game - players» who by means of their imagination make rules, set boundaries, and occasionally give a pep talk or two.
Mr Warren, if «Satan picked the wrong family to pick on», you need to understand that Satan can operate only within the boundaries set by God, and so if God allowed Satan to pick on your family and cause your son to end his own life, God did it with a purpose, and you have a duty to yourself, your family, and your church to understand what His purpose is.
If my heart is lonely but my gut says walk away because of my human emotions, I will walk away when things seem kinda strange or fits into my beliefs / standards / past lessons / set boundaries to live by.
The boundary conditions are set by the persons in charge who make the decisions about the problem that is to be solved.
She no longer limits her growth to bend to the boundaries set by collective pressures.
The collaborative interplay of the Unholy Trinity of the entertainment industry, big business, and legal institutions has ensured that the most important decisions of our day, those which set the moral boundaries or our civilization, those Rieffian interdicts which frame our forms of life, are no longer significantly shaped by our democratic institutions.
Sure, there are rules about how to participate, but in a Centered Set, since there are not boundaries, everybody by definition is «in.»
There are rules governing how hard you can hit — each league has its (not very long) rule book, but in practice each game sets its own violence level — a balancing act of boundaries tested by sudden escalations of rage that are remarkably similar to the rules of conduct governing a street fight.
A simple way we explain how it works to others is by saying, «When setting boundaries, we focus on the behaviors and actions we want instead of those that we don't want.»
While I don't believe a wife or husband can «make» his or her spouse cheat, I do believe we can enable a dysfunction in which a spouse doesn't respect us by not setting up healthy boundaries.
By then, if I haven't taught them to self - regulate and seek balance, setting boundaries in my house won't make a difference.
Child discipline is teaching good behavior, correcting child's actions, showing respect by listening to child's opinion, setting boundaries, consistency and cooperation.
Positive discipline teaches good behavior by correcting child's actions, by showing respect when listening to child's opinion, setting boundaries, consistency and cooperation.
Children might get upset when you set a boundary like No hitting, but as that child grows, realizing you are also stopping him from being hit by others, he will appreciate this firm line.
Parents can totally use screen time to set boundaries for their kids, by making sure they adhere to a limited number of hours, and by allowing them to «earn» small increments of screen time for good and positive behavior.
Lastly, the «bad cop» feeling you're having can be mitigated by doing your best to set boundaries in a compassionate and sympathetic tone.
By setting safe boundaries, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are free to do a little at - home exercise, take a bath, or just enjoy a meal all to yourself.
As adults, it's up to us to exercise our authority by setting boundaries with our kids.
By using the SleepZone Virtual Boundary setting on the Baby Pixel ™ 5.0 Inch Touchscreen Color Video Monitor, you will get an alert the second your baby leaves their safe zone.
But you must set boundaries anyway, and make sure that your child abides by those rules while under your roof.
Many moms have been through this exact thing, its not easy and it's a battle you take day by day with lots of reminders and setting of boundaries.
Help get the littlest members of the family on track by using A Morning Routine To Set Boundaries With Young Children.
Sometimes we have to push on anyway, but by acknowledging that we have reached it we can get some ideas for healthy boundaries that we can set up tomorrow and that can get us through the right now.
What is really being pushed on parents here is the arbitrary social idea and / or judgment that the earlier the infant does not need intervention the better (in some way for the infant and eventual child and adult) and this concept is inappropriately used as a weapon often by false claims suggesting that if an infant or child can not by some pre-determined age «self - soothe» it never will, or that something is either wrong with them, and is in need of repair, or that their parents are deficient (for not setting «boundaries»).
Start early by setting boundaries with the dogs.
By setting firm, yet positive, boundaries and rules for your children you can avoid a lot of family discord and everyone will get along better.
Setting Limits with Your Strong - Willed Child: Eliminating Conflict by Establishing Clear, Firm, and Respectful Boundaries.
A loving parent also helps their child through this phase by setting firm boundaries, creating consistent rules, and modeling for their child appropriate ways to act, both at home and in public.
This is interesting, since the two latter styles of parenting are nearly opposites: permissive parenting is characterized by a high degree of warmth with few, if any, boundaries set by the parent; helicopter parenting, on the other hand, is illustrated by a parent who «hovers,» or becomes too involved, in the child's decision - making.
By setting healthy boundaries, you show...
Moms learn and talk about: - Caring for ourselves and out families - Family sleep and tranisitions - Motherhood: the myth and reality - Newborn family nutrition - Identifying my supports - Siblings and the newborn family - Diapering, baby wearing and attachment parenting - Every family is unique - Boundary setting - Mommy anger and other taboo subjects - The new normal - Effective communication Led by trained postpartum peer coaches
WHEATON — The Wheaton City Council has approved an extensive set of boundary changes approved last week by Glen Ellyn trustees that will clear up questions along the 4 - mile border shared by the towns.
Authoritative parents set boundaries, but remain flexible and parent on a case - by - case and child - specific basis.
Later on, he says, it's certainly possible to spoil your child by giving him or her too much, not setting boundaries, and not expecting your child to do what's healthy.
Congressional boundaries are set by states, not the federal government.
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