Sentences with phrase «several whale populations»

A. Several whale populations are indisputably endangered, including western gray whales (eastern gray whales, which are the population of gray whales found on the Pacific coast of North America, are no longer considered endangered), eastern bowhead whales, North Atlantic and Pacific right whales, blue whales, and most humpback whales.

Not exact matches

They included perilous falls in the populations of several whales and porpoises, the dysfunctional relationship between the science community and the administration of President Donald Trump and continuing revelations of sexual harassment in science.
The scientists say they will need several years before they can complete their surveys and come up with a credible management plan for all the whale populations currently being targeted.
Catch - limit models have been run for several of the whale populations currently being hunted — such as the western North Pacific Bryde's whales and the North Atlantic common minke whales.
As a result, understanding changes in population size for social species — several of which, such as African wild dogs and southern resident killer whales, are endangered — requires understanding of what goes on within groups and how individuals fare when they strike out on their own.
We found that PCBs were at excessively high concentrations in the blubber of several marine apex predator species across Europe, including killer whales and bottlenose dolphins, and were associated with long - term and on - going population declines.
Several whales seen off Sakhalin and on Kamchatka Peninsula are confirmed to migrate towards eastern side of Pacific and join the larger eastern population.
But the decision will not stop all whaling by Japan or several other countries, and creating a «whale conservation market» that sells sustainable «whale shares,» as described in Issues, may provide an effective alternative to legal or regulatory mechanisms to protect global whale populations.
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