Sentences with phrase «shale fracking operations»

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The risks to public health from exposure to emissions from shale gas extraction or fracking are low as long as operations are properly run and regulated, the British government's health agency said on Thursday.
The research also found that fracking operations in shale rock generally had their furthest detected microseismic events at greater distances than those in coal and sandstone rocks.
LONDON (Reuters)- The risks to public health from exposure to emissions from shale gas extraction or fracking are low as long as operations are properly run and regulated, the British government's health agency said on Thursday.
Original post In 2011, a Cornell research team led by the environmental scientist Robert Howarth published «Methane and the greenhouse - gas footprint of natural gas from shale formations,» a widely discussed paper positing that gas escaping from drilling operations using hydraulic fracturing, widely known as fracking, made natural gas a bigger climate threat than the most infamous fossil fuel, coal.
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