Sentences with phrase «share structures author»

Some Reflections on Magna and Dual Class Share Structures Author: Professor Jeffrey G. MacIntosh, Toronto Stock Exchange Professor of Capital Markets, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, June 17, 2011

Not exact matches

«These six principles», shares the author, «along with the biblical view of marriage, provide the basic structure a couple needs for good sexual relationships in marriage» (Smith, 1994, p 49).
The report's authors said sharing services could have implications for the structure of local councils.
The relationship between them supports the notion that these disorders share common risk factors and etiology, beginning very early in pregnancy and involving a long cascade of events affecting the development of fetal heart structures throughout gestation,» the authors write.
«Whether it's bacteria swarming, cells roaming or energy - consuming «arrows» flying, these systems share universal characteristics independent of the precise size and structure of the agents as well as their detailed interactions,» said corresponding author Bowick, who is on leave from Syracuse University while in his role at KITP.
The authors note that future issues confronting both programs include whether they will remain open - ended entitlements, the degree to which the programs may be privatized, the scope of their cost - sharing structures for beneficiaries, and the roles the programs will play in payment and delivery reform.
«We were excited to find out that the current two subgenomes in pumpkin largely maintain the chromosome structures of the two progenitors despite sharing the same nucleus for at least three million years,» said Shan Wu, first author of the paper and BTI postdoc.
Author Johanna Brandt shares a personal journey of living with cancer and her discovery of how the beneficial properties of grapes cured her disease by refreshing and purifying cell structures.
By separating story structure from language features, the authors were able to distinguish aspects of storytelling that might be shared across languages (i.e., story structure) vs. aspects of storytelling that require language - specific learning (i.e., grammatical features).
In this webinar, authors of the ASCD book A Close Look at Close Reading, Grades K — 5, Diane Lapp, Barbara Moss, Maria Grant, and Kelly Johnson share how to teach close reading in ways that support readers methodically reading and rereading a text as they focus on its structure, language, and content to deeply comprehend its message.
The authors summarize the structure and results for several models that share principles of actively engaging students in instruction, emphasizing higher - level thinking, and integrating college and career preparation for a wide range of post-graduation options.
There is no structure in place yet for authors to make any money with the platform, but they hope to include a revenue sharing feature sometime soon.
In my last post, I discussed the four C's of basic story structure and how nonfiction authors can use them along with other fiction techniques to entertain and engage their readers while sharing their experiences and message.
Internationally published author K.M. Weiland shares five «secret» techniques of advanced story structure.
The authors call for a transformation of the healthcare system at multiple levels to create equity, safety and respect through the development of practices, policies, and structures that reflect and respect the cultures of the populations being served, and through respectful inter - and multi-sectoral collaborations and partnerships between all stakeholders with a shared goal of providing care to all Canadians.
Clayton & his wife Natali interviewed the author of Profit First, where he shares how to effectively structure your finances and a method that has totally changed his business!
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