Sentences with phrase «shepherd loves»

An active yet easy - going dog, the Australian shepherd loves to romp with children and tends to get along well with other pets.
My 100 lb German Shepherd loves this food, he has a sensitive stomach and so I try to feed him the most natural food around.
My Shiloh shepherd loves herding, and was ahead of the curve when he started training.
Your German Shepherd loves you more than anything, but did you know that a lot of the habits that we have with our dogs aren't appreciated by our canine companions?
Reliable and watchful, the Pyrenean Shepherd loves kids and will keep them busy playing in the yard for hours.
The Pyrenean Shepherd loves to engage in dog sports.
Get a long line (available in pet catalogs, online or pet stores) to practice recalls at a distance, and always use treats your German Shepherd loves.
If your German shepherd loves to play fetch or tug, you can use those as rewards for coming when called.
Our German Shepherd loves to play tug, so this cute toy was perfect for him.
Even though my german shepherd loves her cot, it just wouldn't hold up.
If sheep had any brains, which they don't, the found sheep would know that the shepherd loved him the most because he promised to be good eating.
If, like a growing number of people, you're willing to trust the internet to safeguard your finances, shepherd your love life, and maybe even steer your car, being able to cast your vote online might seem like a logical,...
Full of energy, German Shepherds love to play and can be quite fond of kids once a relationship is established.
Tasha is a sweet 12 year old German Shepherd loved by her parents Tony and Lisa.
German Shepherds love their family and should not be left alone for too long or else they can suffer from separation anxiety.
Although Australian shepherds love having a lot of space, they can get used to many types of accommodations as long as they get ample energetic physical activity every day — think a few hours.
German shepherds love their owners and don't like to be alone, so separation anxiety is common among more nervous dogs.
German Shepherds love to learn and they are highly motivated to follow your commands it they are rewarded with treats.
German Shepherds love having an area they can consider all their own, whether you choose to have them living inside with you, or outside of the house.
Shalom Shepherds love to please, so training them is a breeze.
Despite their size, German Shepherds love to snuggle up with their owners and genuinely think that they are lap dogs.
German Shepherds love to work and play.
German Shepherds love to play with other dogs, however they also bond very closely to their owners and are equally as happy as an only dog, so long as they do not spend long periods alone.
My German Shepherds love fetch above all games, so toys that feed this frenzy are the ones I gravitate toward.

Not exact matches

That's how love is supposed to feel,» Shepherd writes.
But arguably the most anticipated bit of casting is Joe Pesci, who has only had two credits to his name this century: A cameo in De Niro's 2006 CIA drama «The Good Shepherd» and a lead role in Taylor Hackford's 2010 flop «Love Ranch.»
Now I have yet to see one in which the healed sheep banded together and went back after the shepherd but a dark side of me would love to see it.
preacherlady — I love what you said about a shepherd smelling of sheep.
The atheists love calling us sheep and I say... «yes, I am of the flock of the Good Shepherd»; every time I hear them call out «sheep» it reminds me of how Jesus goes out into the desert to find even one lost sheep and to do so He leaves the 99 others... those lost sheep are being found every day... some try to hide in the darkest places but all they need to see is just a little Light and they lose their fear.
It was easy to recognize, in the words of this latest exhortation to more faithfully follow the gospel in the economic and global - political realm, the voice of our dear shepherd» to see the sharp intellectual and moral challenge of his mind, coupled with the loving understanding of his heart, so passionate to bring Christ to the world and the world to Christ.
In Browning's «Love Among the Ruins,» a shepherd muses over the ruins of an ancient capital, now a pasture.
They single people out, gossip, slander, leverage position and popularity votes to gain position and prestige — because the mustn't know The Shepherd, and know His love.
The shepherd isn't benevolently protecting the sheep just because he loves them.
Shepherds like him and others, who have staked all for the sake of gospel, are believable not because of their rank but because of their love.
They wear T - shirts sporting pictures of Pope John Paul II or broadcasting quips such as «I love my German shepherd,» an affectionate term for their Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.
In this relationship of trust, the priest may speak the words and the love of Christ, the Good Shepherd, and leave the person in question free to respond to Christ as they will.
It is so beautiful and meaningful to shepherd small souls well, to love them into who they were meant to be all along.
I see you as a loving shepherd and when God puts those people in your flock he will show you how to guide them specifically.
I know it sounds simplistic and idealistic but I truly believe that if we are motivated by the love of Christ, paying attention to the leading of the Holy Spirit and our friends around us, we'll look after one another well and disciple each other by pointing one another to Jesus as the true Shepherd.
His personal times of worship, of being ab.sorbed in God's love for him, changed him from a mere shepherd boy to a lion killer, bear killer, giant killer and finally, a king over Israel.
When plans to love and shepherd people turn into selling used cars, someone is usually hurting.
The difficulty with accepting the Lukan interpretation as essentially correct and seeing the shepherd as Jesus» «image of God's activity of love», as does Jeremias, (J. Jeremias, Parables of Jesus [rev. ed., 1963], p. 133.)
Still the fact remains that we do know quite enough about the historic life of Jesus to catch something of his filial obedience to God, his loving concern for men, his unceasing following of the will of his Father, and his equally unceasing desire to bring the Father's shepherding care home to his children.
That kind of blows apart the old «sheep and shepherd» story that most Christians believe without question and which most pastors love to toss out at their «stupid sheep» languishing in the pews.
He tends his flock like a shepherd of love He gathers lambs in his strong tender arms He bears them close to his passionate heart Gently and lovingly leads them along
Isaiah describes the coming Lord as a tender, loving warrior: «Behold, the Lord God comes with might, with an arm to rule... The Lord will feed the chosen flock like a shepherd; God's arms will gather the lambs.
W. Dwight Oberholtzer (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1971); Troy Perry, The Lord Is My Shepherd and He Knows I'm Gay (Los Angeles: Nash Publishing Co., 1972); Alex Davidson, The Returns of Love: A Contemporary Christian View of Homosexuality (Downers Grove, Ill.: Inter-Varsity Press, 1971); Barbara Evans, Joy!
I look on God as an all - knowing Judge to be feared (Or as a trustworthy Shepherd who guides me along life's way, or as a loving Father who yearns for the return of his children)...
I saw the Church which John Paul II shepherded into this third millennium and handed over to his successor, Benedict, who is guiding it with a steady and loving hand.
Whether you blog or not, journal or not, make art or not, shepherd or not; you are loved and appreciated (probably much much more than you know).
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