Sentences with phrase «shepherd tail carriage»

With a little patience and practice and a desire to better understand your dog, or dogs in general, you'll be surprised just how well understanding simple things like German Shepherd tail carriage will help you to read your dog in the future in many ways.
If you take the time to learn to read your dogs signs, such as subtle things like German Shepherd tail carriage, then you'll be surprised just how much they are communicating to us and to each other.
If German Shepherd tail carriage is tail high with a crick or sharp bend in it this can also be read as a sign of dominance and aggression.
7 - Whenever a German Shepherds tail carriage is tucked between its legs it can mean «I'm scared!»
2 - If your German Shepherds tail carriage is stiffly, straight out from its body you'll notice that this happens anytime there is an initial challenge such as whenever they first meet a new dog.

Not exact matches

Low tail carriage and broad tail base is linked to anal furunculosis (chronic and painful inflammation)(German Shepherd)
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