Sentences with phrase «short people do»

Short people don't exist?»
Short people don't make it often in the NBA, just like certain kinds of genetically hard - wired individuals don't make it as entrepreneurs, and others do.
It's like someone saying a short person doesn't even have to work hard to get jacked because they will just naturally build muscle easier.
Portnoy says that in her experience, shorter people do tend to have a harder time losing weight in general.

Not exact matches

Successful people don't see money solely as a personal reward; they see money as a way to grow a business, reward and develop employees, give back to the community... in short, not just to make their own lives better but to improve the lives of other people, too.
Former U.S. nuclear submarine commander Captain David Marquet has a fabulous short talk in which he urges those who really want to bring the best out of their teams to quit following unhelpful stereotypes of «leadership» and do everything possible to empower their people instead.
Part of the reason is that it can take years to access prison rehabilitation programs if you have a longer sentence because people with shorter sentences get priority; despite recent national efforts to make opioid antidotes and addiction treatments more widely accessible, many prisons still don't have these programs in place, leaving addicts who make it out of prison far more susceptible to relapse.
You might even want to consider shooting a short video in which you explain this messaging (shoot for less than five minutes), so your sales people can see how you do it.
He adds that ultimately this way of doing business is much richer and more satisfying than the current model because it thrusts together highly talented people for shorter periods of time «-- and holds out loftier goals and richer rewards.
The short - term answer to avoiding having an extra wireless plan has been to tether cars to smartphones, the same way that many people are currently doing with computers and tablets.
But just to do that, that 5 % growth and a $ 2 billion floor, buys me out of a $ 1.6 billion - short infrastructure backlog, allows us to bring 5,000 more active - duty people on board.
«If a shortcoming is discovered, you will hear a short hai (yes, I understand) and people are back in the flow, striving to do better.
Most people plan for all aspects of a trip except for what to do if you get sick, have an accident or need to cut your trip short.
Its price is rising only because people all over the world are hearing stories of how others doubled or tripled their money in a short period — and they don't want to miss out.
I think a lot of people who try to do what we did, or try to do other things, they quit, they stop short.
In short, nearly a billion people on the planet don't have access to clean, safe drinking water (that's one in eight people).
Another person recently suggested doing short videos on the site.
So many people sell products and services they don't believe in and ultimately come up short.
While doing this might not be easy in today's economic environment, it may be worth any short - term hardship, because your company will attract some of the best people in the business, and they will help you to stay ahead of the competition.
In the short run we can focus more on training and education and making sure (it's) accessible to people and they don't have to take out enormous student loans and so forth.
You might like to try out short - term job swaps as well, as people working in a role that's new to them can often see potential problems or new solutions that those there day in and day out just don't notice.
Make it easy for people to find and leave public feedback — and don't be afraid of reviews that fall short of perfect.
The studies are often short - term and so it doesn't necessarily say that this is a sustainable way for weight loss and also in my eyes the intermittent fasting affects people's lifestyles a lot and it means that actually if they have a really nice dinner planned with their friends one day but it's the day that they're having 500 calories then what do they do?
«The learning curve's a lot shorter,» he says, «when you've got people [behind you] who've done it for years.»
The cofounder and CEO of Thumbtack has kept a close eye on the rise of the «gig economy» — or on - demand, short - term, unskilled jobs where employees are usually referred to as independent contractors — and he doesn't see how it could provide people with meaningful sources of income long - term.
The basics: Make work fun; weed out the naysayers; celebrate failure, and then learn from it; allow employees to take short naps during the day; and don't shy away from hiring talented people just because they look sloppy or lack college credentials.
Plenty of other recent psychological research has suggested that short bursts of mindfulness are effective, which means that busy business people don't have to take days or even weeks out of their lives to get started with meditation.
And the public was ready to pounce: Just 24 hours after Fowler published her post, the Twitter hashtag #DeleteUber had generated almost 5 million more impressions than it did during the weekend of January 27, when masses of people started using it to protest the company's response to a New York taxi strike and CEO Travis Kalanick's (soon to be short - lived) participation in President Donald Trump's tech advisory committee.
Serial entrepreneur and current Andreessen Horowitz investor Chris Dixon got the conversation started with a short but compelling blog post entitled» What the smartest people do on the weekend is what everyone else will do during the week in ten years.»
«While social media does enable you to reach more people in a shorter span of time, the one - on - one, in person communication still provides a stronger connection.»
Y Combinator will be artificially propping up people's incomes for a short period of time and seeing what folks do with it.
In short, for however long the test lasts — it has floated a test period of five years — Y Combinator will be guaranteeing some income and seeing what people do with it.
Today, for instance, Airbnb does not require people who list properties on their site to verify that they either own that property or have gotten legal permission to rent it out on a short - term basis.
Many towns do not have rules in place to deal with an online service for people to rent out their rooms or homes on a short - term basis.
According to Uber, its self - driving Volvos fall short of the DMV's classification of an autonomous vehicle, since they don't work without a person behind the wheel.
Those stocks would get crushed, we're buying stocks that are have huge cash flows, people have low expectations for them that's why we're getting them so cheap and so we know pay for high expectations in the long book, so when the low — bad news comes in, we didn't pay for high expectations so our longs tend to hold up better, our shorts are getting killed, great spreads and bad markets.
GREENBLATT: Right, well the idea really was is that when you give a gate, every September or October, people have to decide whether they want to lock up for another year or two, when you have monthly liquidity, you're never forcing them to make a decision maybe the wrong time, they can always have their money and it's not a signaling device to say you should have a short time horizon, actually for what we do, you need a long time horizon.
In the shorter term, TMAF is doing what it can to show people who are already driving age that trucking is a lot more appealing than those old stereotypes.
People do not realize they do more damage than good and dilute their brand when they come out of the blocks strong then within a short time period taper off and lose interest.
A lot of people don't invest in stocks because they are afraid of losing money in the short term — which only really matters if you need the money in the short term.
Perhaps that shouldn't be surprising, since Facebook says you pay for a «view» when a video is displayed in a user's news feed for 3 seconds or more, even if the person doesn't actually click on the video to watch with the sound turned on, while YouTube says you pay for a «view» when a viewer watches 30 seconds of your video — or the duration if it's shorter than 30 seconds — or engages with your video, whichever comes first.
For short - term capital gains — for assets held for less than a year — people pay taxes at the same rate as they do on their ordinary income.
«What that would do is, sometimes, when you're trying to raise money, different people like different colors, people like different messages, [people like] long form, short form, pictures, images.
It did have a short - lived benefit in January when more than 200,000 people deleted their Uber accounts, because many unfairly accused the company of attempting to profit off the backs of taxi drivers protesting President Donald Trump's travel ban.
And whenever I tweet about Litecoin price or even just good or bads news, I get accused of doing it for personal benefit.Some people even think I short LTC!
This post is intended as a short, common sense introduction to financial investment for normal people who have some spare money and don't have time to work out what to do with it.
In short, the work of 14 people will now be done by no more than 13;
How much research can one person do if 20 or more ICO come to market in a short period like a single month.
The right phone will get more work that will be done a short span and there will be separate line available for every person in the office.
People that invest in short term investment ideas do it for a reason and people who invest in long term investment ideas also have a reason for tying their money down for a long period of time with the hope that they will get returns some years down thePeople that invest in short term investment ideas do it for a reason and people who invest in long term investment ideas also have a reason for tying their money down for a long period of time with the hope that they will get returns some years down thepeople who invest in long term investment ideas also have a reason for tying their money down for a long period of time with the hope that they will get returns some years down the line.
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