Sentences with phrase «sicario feels»

Even before its late detour into action movie silliness (including a ridiculous badass set piece that belongs in a James Bond movie) Sicario feels like a film whose immaculate craft disguises its hollow center.

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Sicario also boasts an incredible score that almost feels designed to make viewers feel uncomfortable, and disgustingly dirty in need of a shower after the credits roll.
At least, that's the feeling one has walking out of Sicario, arguably the savviest, smartest, and most exhilarating crime thriller to hit American cinemas in years.
It's better than Sicario and right up there with Hell or High Water as a contemporary thriller that feels timeless.
For all of its superb, shock - and - awe - generating visuals — aided by oft - nominated master cinematographer Roger Deakin's (Sicario, Prisoners, Skyfall, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford) singular eye for composition — Blade Runner 2049 often feels like Villeneuve, lured by the promise of revisiting a world created by a visionary filmmaker, not only wanted to put his own, auteurist stamp on said world, creating a continuation of a standalone, sequel - adverse film that «fits» on a narrative, thematic, and visual level, but found himself seduced like so many fans over the decades by the pure power of Scott's world - building and simply couldn't leave.
The «Sicario» star, who is married to actor John Krasinski, feels very fortunate that she doesn't have to worry about being able to afford to take care of their little girl.
The 32 year old Sicario actress, who now has 19 month old daughter Hazel with her husband of five years John Krasinski, told radio presenter Howard Stern on his SiriusXFM show on Wednesday (September 30th) that her split with Buble was «complicated» and that she doesn't feel comfortable discussing it in depth.
Sicario is a fascinating film that's well worth your time — just be prepared to leave it feeling frustrated by its denouement.
I realize that doesn't make a lot of sense but I'm trying to describe what the main character of Sicario is feeling only in her case that feeling of being on unfamiliar roadways also involves decomposing and dismembered bodies.
The trailer features imagery and settings that feel calculated to remind players not only of the earlier Ghost Recon games, but also of popular recent films and TV series like Sicario and Narcos which have made the intricacies and mythos of the international drug trade a popular topic for dark contemporary fiction.
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