Sentences with phrase «side flexion»

Side Flexion — You can easily increase the side - to - side range of motion by rotating your wrists left and right.
Side bends (side flexion) are one of the best ab exercises for the obliques.
Performed in a similar way as the Lateral Side flexion of the neck, just that in this case you help yourself by putting the hand on the top of your head and gently pulling.

Not exact matches

Though she twists, spins, lunges and rolls, I bet she is doing so primarily using flexion and extension as well a momentum to get from point A to B rather than controlled movement from side to side, followed by true controlled rotation.
She sounds like she prefers extension to flexion, which will impede development of control moving side to side and with rotation.
Deemsy explained that we wouldn't be doing any crunches or reverse crunches because those types of ab exercises require spinal flexion, which can increase tension on the abdominal wall, causing the left and right sides to separate even more.
«The external and internal obliques facilitate lateral trunk flexion, i.e. side bending, and rotation of the torso.
As a whole (all heads working together), the pectoralis major assists adduction (lowering upper arm from side raise position to the midline of the body), medial rotation (rotating upper arm forward or inward to the midline of the body) and horizontal flexion (moving the upper arm from a side raise position to the front of the body).
The hip can move forwards (flexion), backwards (extension), out to the side (abduction), and in towards the middle (adduction).
They are forwards (flexion), backwards (extension), out to the side (abduction), and inwards (adduction).
Well, that's the truth and that's why today I'm going to share some fitness tips on how to train smarter with the 14 best ab exercises that strengthen and tone your core without the side effects of hip - flexion dominant exercises like sit - ups and crunches.
Repeated flexion of the spine leads to shortened tissues on one side of the joint and lengthened tissues on the other.
Think about the differences in this ideology as opposed to crunches, sit - ups, and side bends that actually promote kyphosis and lateral flexion.
Lateral flexion (side - bending) of the spine.
This is another example of resisting lateral flexion, which I spoke about in my first article, as the windmill should not be a side bend.
Its actions are to compress the abdominal contents to stabilize the spine, flex the spine (pull it forward like in crunches), rotate the trunk to the opposite side (contralateral rotation), and bend the spine to the side (lateral flexion).
The doctor may also move the patient's legs to test for pain on flexion of the hip (called the psoas sign), pain on internal rotation of the hip (called obturator sign), or pain on the right side when pressing on the left (calling Rovsing's sign).
Comparing differences between legs during the back squat, Flanagan and Salem (2007) found that peak knee flexion angles displayed bilateral differences, with the right side achieving a more acute angle than the left side.
The lateral (side) deltoid is involved in many of the same movements as the anterior deltoid: abduction (moving the arm away from the body), flexion (moving the arm upward to the front), and transverse flexion (moving the arm across the chest).
When one side of the external obliques contracts, it can create lateral flexion.
Dumbbell Lateral Flexion The Dumbbell Lateral Flexion / Extension, also known as Side Bends, works your abs as you move from side to sSide Bends, works your abs as you move from side to sside to sideside.
Actions: Contraction on both sides: Neck flexion.
Hip extension, knee extension, and ankle plantar - flexion net joint moments increased markedly as side - step distance increased, while hip abduction net joint moments did not alter much at all.
We want our spines to be able to move into flexion, extension, side bending and twisting.
The greater anterior pelvic tilt and peak hip flexion on the injured side may lead to a greater maximum length of this hamstring muscle during running, which may predispose them to greater risk of recurrent hamstring strain injury.
There are also indications that injured athletes tend to display greater peak anterior pelvic tilt and peak hip flexion on the injured side than on the uninjured side during running, while uninjured athletes do not (Daly et al. 2015).
Key shoulder movements that involve the pectoralis major include shoulder horizontal adduction (moving the arms together in the transverse plane at shoulder height), shoulder adduction (moving the arms down to the sides, from shoulder height), shoulder scapular flexion or extension (moving the arms to or from shoulder height in the scapular plane in front of the body), and shoulder flexion or extension (moving the arms to or from shoulder height in front of the body).
QL assists with lateral spine flexion (bending side to side) and hiking the hip.
The external oblique extends from the front of the lateral pelvis to the side of the lower ribs and thus is highly active during spine rotation (McGill et al. 1991) and lateral flexion (Konrad et al. 2001).
Supine isometric hip adduction in 45 degrees of hip and knee flexion and the side - lying hip adduction seem to be the most effective positions for maximizing adductor longus EMG amplitude.
As you are able to perform all these actions, begin adding various movements — left and right rotation and side bending, flexion, extension, and combinations.
The middle deltoid displays a peak moment arm length of approximately 25.0 mm at 40 degrees of flexion, while the minimum moment arm length approaches zero at 0 and 120 degrees of adduction (arms to side and across body).
This may imply that exercises with peak contractions at different points in the total shoulder flexion range of motion (both with arms at the horizontal and with arms close to the sides) are necessary in order to work all muscle fibers to a similar extent.
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