Sentences with phrase «simonian utopianism»

We chat about techno - utopianism vs. skepticism, venture capital as a system, why people are leaving SF, and #BUIDL as a powerful meme.
At a time when many Ukrainians are trapped between the failed promises of Marxist utopianism and the often harsh realities of Western materialism, the Orthodox Church is in a position to offer the best aspects of tradition.
The prophets» «religious utopianism» was perhaps too close to the political utopianism with which he was already becoming disillusioned.
But utopianism found its way to the ELCA too, in a task force on human sexuality.
It was not in our modern sense of sociological utopianism; but it was something vastly profounder, a religious ethic which involved a social as well as a personal application, but within the framework of the beloved society of the Kingdom of God.
The experience of imperfection, truly understood, is therefore both a source for idealism and a denial of utopianism.
Ebenstein attends to the strong streak of utopianism in Hayek?s belief that the free market, given effective legal guarantees for property and price fluctuations, would lead to universal prosperity and peace.
Along the way, she counters the restricted rationalism of analytic philosophy and the utopianism of sundry liberationist proposals for «fixing» the world.
I am not a Lord Zealous for utopianism.
The danger, for those who start from the temporal end, is Utopianism; settle the problem of distribution — of wheat, coffee, aspirin or wireless sets — and all the problems of evil will disappear.
Unlike utopianism, Judaism and Christianity do not posit a sinless world.
One of the cornerstones of modern conservative thinking - indeed, of conservative thinking generally - is the critique of utopianism.
Jewish and Christian resistance to utopianism rests upon bitter historical lessons about the weight of human sinfulness.
The Catholic Whigs are uncomfortable with both, rejecting, inter alia, the former's dangerous utopianism and the latter's naive embrace of the past.
For all of Berry's wisdom, this is simply utopianism.
In the second book, with Sigmund, he reflected on the broader democratic experience of Europe and the three constant prerequisites of free governments (community solidarity, freedom of the individual, and social justice), but he continued to warn Americans of the complacency, sentimentality, utopianism, and parochialism which he saw in our heritage.
This marvelous book is a jewel of Saint - Simonian utopianism: crystal clear, polished with wit, and sparkling with genius.
On the face of it, these points seem as relevant to America's current travails as they were to Rome's fall and certainly more so than either the utopianism of much modern political theory, or its opposite: a frankly self - interested perspective concerned only with national interests and national security.
We believe that modern Christian perfectionism is tinctured with utopianism derived from a secular culture.
He was critical of both cynicism and utopianism; he attempted to take a position between the two.
Religion which has not lost its utopianism is the opposite of the opiate of the people.
It may serve the purpose of clarity if having made this qualification I state bluntly my thesis that the utopianism in the liberal faith had a lasting value which it derived partly from the Christian faith and partly from what was valid in the world view of the Enlightenment.
Far from being a defeatist, Niebuhr may even have had underlying strains of utopianism or perfectionism in his thought.
But it is precisely this sober type of assurance along with all Utopianisms which has been taken away from our generation.
When it did not fall into a secular utopianism, which its most discerning Christian exponents never did, it nevertheless tended to rely too much on human effort and not to lay enough stress on divine grace for the conquest of evil.
Utopianism in the Christian hope is that spirit which knows that man is never satisfied or at peace until he discovers the meaning of life in the community of love with God and his fellows.
We are encouraged to look for the deeper element in utopianism through the labors of the sociologist Karl Mannheim, who has characterized it in a brilliant manner.
Communist evil, Niebuhr said, resulted from its monopoly of power (absolute power over other men producing evils worse than injustice), its utopianism (attribution of the source of evil to something outside man — private property), its faith in revolution (a substitute religion), and its dogmatism (ideology masquerading as science).
Utopianism rightly understood has a place in the Christian response to life.
Frankly, I hear a lot more cynicism these days than utopianism.
When the illusions of cynicism and utopianism are stripped away, there are endless possibilities for perfecting the justice of social institutions.
It is hurled with reproach at liberal Christianity which is charged with having allowed the Christian faith to be replaced by a secular utopianism.
That was in the early»70s, when with long hair, bobbles, bangles and beads and a gleam of communitarian utopianism in my eyes, I finally found my way into the fourth century treatise by Nemesius, peri phuseos anthropon («On the Nature of the Human»), where it at length dawned on me that ancient wisdom could be the basis for a deeper critique of modern narcissistic individualism than I had yet seen.
Jesus» teaching was not «social,» in our modern sense of sociological utopianism; but it was something vastly profounder, a religious ethic which involved a social as well as a personal application, but within the framework of the beloved society of the Kingdom of God; and in its relations to the pagan world outside it was determined wholly from within that beloved society — as the rest of the New Testament and most of the other early Christian literature takes for granted.
A fourth warning: Niebuhr suppressed the tendency toward utopianism in his day, but utopianism is no longer a mortal sin in our decade.
Moral Realism inherent in this approach is to avoid two absolutist positions of utopianism - one, the approach of political religions which seek to bring perfect community on earth through political action, which ends in tyranny because it asks the impossible from power - politics; and the other, a withdrawal from politics because it can not bring perfect community on earth, which ends by tolerating the worst tyranny and oppression without resistance.
That would be succumbing to utopianism which I have rejected in the name of the Christian understanding of reality.
In fact, it is the resurgence of the utopianism associated with the traditional laissez fare capitalism in the contemporary globalisation that we have to oppose as idolatrous in the name of Christian realism.
Referring to the criticism made by Peter Beyerhaus and some others that in the World Council's emphasis on social and political justice there is present a social utopianism which denies the fact of sin and affirms a self - redemptive humanism, Thomas admitted that the danger is always present, but pointed out the opposite danger of not admitting the fact of divine grace and the power of righteousness it releases for a daring faith in the realms of social and political action.
«2 Or again, Niebuhr began his ministry during the crisis of Western capitalism and was confronted with the utopianism of Communism and its claim that violence was the only means to social justice.
If thinkers as diverse as Rousseau, Paine, and Tonnies are all to be understood as Utopian insofar as they criticize the present from the standpoint of a real or imagined past, then utopianism is an honored mode of cultural criticism.
Words like fraternity, belonging, and community are so soaked with nostalgia and utopianism that they are nearly useless as guides to the real possibilities of solidarity in modern society.
We were fortunate that, because of the historical circumstances and some of the spiritual and intellectual preparations for our revolution, our founding fathers avoided the absolutistic utopianism that so often distorts revolutions.
It must be emphasized that such a reassessment would properly be a far cry from the triumphalism about democratic capitalism that (understandably perhaps) found favor in right - of - center circles in the last few years: we must be careful not to substitute a right - leaning utopianism for the left - leaning one of the past.
The complex of capitalism, utilitarianism, and science as a cultural form has its own world view, its own «religion» even — though it is an adamantly this - worldly one — and its own utopianism: the utopianism of total technical control, of course in the service of the «freedom» of individual self - interest.
Third World liberationism, radical feminism, unilateral disarmament, socialist utopianisms» there is little substantive change but, by scissors - and - paste magic, all the speeches and manifestos begin and end with alarums about ecotastrophe.
In place of utopianism which sees the new world just around the corner, and in place of progressivism which sees progress as inevitable, we can think of progress in terms of possibilities that are realistically appropriate for this present moment.
Therefore while keeping love as the essence of humanness and, therefore, the criterion and goal of all human endeavor, human society today has to eschew utopianism and organize itself as power - structures based on a sense of the moral law of structural justice and utilize even the coercive legal sanctions of the state to preserve social peace and protect the weaker sections of society in a balance of order, freedom and justice.
Indeed, Peter's appeal to the apocalyptic tradition is an implicit rejection of utopianism.
Yet this, was not utopianism.
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