Sentences with phrase «simple theory of»

nj: In comparison, we do nt have an alternative and simple theory of climate change that can explain the pause, and be consistent with a pause, and «also» explain the 50 years of warming, and the specific characteristics of the warming, sea level rise, and numerous other data.
In comparison, we do nt have an alternative and simple theory of climate change that can explain the pause, and be consistent with a pause, and «also» explain the 50 years of warming, and the specific characteristics of the warming, sea level rise, and numerous other data.
A simple theory of action might look like this:
This evidence is consistent with a simple theory of teacher labor markets that predicts that lower quality teachers will be disproportionately found in schools with low ‐ achieving, poor and non-white students.
Sykes's simple theory of comedy was that it should come from the heart rather than the head, and that good comedy is medicinal.
(The title of Lisi's paper, «An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything,» is first and foremost a pun.)
For more than three decades evolutionary psychologists have advanced a simple theory of human sexuality: because men invest less reproductive effort in sperm than women do in eggs, men's and women's brains have been shaped differently by evolution.
Body of work: Recently published «An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything,» aiming to unify physics based on the geometry of a 248 - dimensional figure called E8.
Amber teething beads work on a simple theory of mild magnetism, which has been found to have the potential to reduce mild pain, such as accompanies teething.

Not exact matches

The company's content strategy is a simple positive - feedback loop, in other words, and the theory is that each revolution lifts the overall quality of the content the audience is producing, the size of the audience, and the number of cameras and accessories sold.
Economists treat parental leave, both for women and men, as a simple cost - benefit problem: in theory, at least, if a woman's wage is greater than the cost of replacing her in the home, then she should spend her time working and hire someone else to care for her children.
This dream, called the Grand Unified Theory, would give us a simpler, more elegant understanding of the universe, showing that all the interactions we see are different manifestations of one unified force.
New paradigm shifting theories (relativity, quantum mechanics, gravity waves) are the result of thoroughly and completely disproving every simple answer.
Furmansky has a simple theory: «Another way to think of it is that starting companies these days is akin to doing research in the past.»
The principles of investment are simple, says Bernstein, so he takes a long view of the financial industry, dedicating half the book to investment history and theory (in a manner accessible to the math - challenged among us) in the hopes of giving his readers «the ability to coolly observe extraordinary current events and say «I've seen this movie before, and I know how it ends.»»
It's so true that one of the main issues about all of this is that while in theory it is simple, actually staying the course over long periods of time (a lifetime, really) is the challenge.
When you see a lot of theory, you end up discovering that everything good is generally simpler than the more complicated things, and this also affected me for the rest of my life» Jorge Paulo Lemann
The theory behind it is simple: If Facebook has experimented on its users to find new and exciting ways to get us to use it in the way they'd prefer, we should also feel free to experiment on Facebook, and see if those experiments change how we think about what we share with one of the biggest repositories of human data in history.
Because of that, the Eliot Waves Theory seems to traders simple as well as very complicated at the same time because the sub-divisions and cycles that this theory deals with are a bit harder to underTheory seems to traders simple as well as very complicated at the same time because the sub-divisions and cycles that this theory deals with are a bit harder to undertheory deals with are a bit harder to understand.
``... it's deeply disappointing that the members opposite continue to peddle dangerous conspiracy theories instead of accepting the simple fact that this is about protecting kids,» said Calgary - Hawkwood NDP MLA Michael Connolly in response to Ellis» proposed amendment.
In theory, the concept seems simple — you spread your investment capital over a sufficient number of securities, and in enough asset classes, that you avoid taking a complete bath when the market declines.
There are simple steps you can take to apply the theories of behavioral finance to your own 401 (k) and improve your financial future.
random is a mathematically sound idea where as god is a simple creation of some MAN from long ago to explain the unexplainable of the day... chaos theory is quantum physics 101 and is also based solely on the notion of random events... not to mention quantum uncertainty which is one of my favorites.
goes through this long exposition of how those who attack ID as a religious theory encroaching on science are simple minded and that ID is somehow more complex than that betrays their own beliefs.
Its simple really for all atheists who spin their unscientific theories of non-existence of a supernaatural frame of existence.
The future, on a simple B - theory of time, is as real as the present.
Like all science, of course, it is falsifiable — but no one has ever proven it wrong, and no one has ever come up with a better theory that explains so much of the natural world using one simple concept, testable using logic and experiment.
I just think to believe something without evidence, or even a good theory of explanation is described by a very simple word.
With a populist approach centered on the sensus fidei of Catholics unencumbered by theological theories, Buttiglione claims that a simple interpretation of Amoris Laetitia will be the most faithful one, the one best able to understand and appreciate the pastoral novelty proposed by the pope.
Here's the rest of it:»... Reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect can be shown to exist, each grade being useful to its possessor, as is certainly the case; if further, the eye ever varies and the variations be inherited, as is likewise certainly the case; and if such variations should be useful to any animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, should not be considered as subversive of the theory.
If your scientists can't make the simplest form of life, and your neo-Darwinian evolution theory is seriously flawed, it would seem that your faith in blind chance should be much weaker than it is.
Fundamentalists must turn religion into a conspiracy theory: any fact or figure, however simple or reasonable, not in accordance with the story must be part of a conspiracy by sinners, a trick by a demon, or a test from a god.
And, indeed, there is a sense in which Einstein's theory of gravity is simpler than Newton's, and Newton's theory of planetary motion simpler than Kepler's.
As physics Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek notes, however, Einstein's theory is «not «simple» in the usual sense of the word.»
(5) Evolutionary theory is similarly influenced by the reductionistic bias of science, with its tendency to try to understand phenomena in terms of the simplest explanation (the law of parsimony) and to do so by always explaining higher orders of things in terms of lower orders — as if nothing significant were being omitted.
If there is no a priori ground for denying that, in addition to being influenced by the brain and by intervening experiences, there is also an element of direct recall of past experience, then a much simpler theory, more in accord with introspective evidence, is possible.
Places like the Grand Canyon also receive a much simpler explanation than the theory (which is rapidly losing favor) that the Grand Canyon was formed over millions of years by a small trickle of water.
But, in simple terms, his theory of spontaneous creation implies an overall more grand design — in that the life instructions could not have been created by life itself, but came from somewhere.
Quantum Physics / Mechanics is based on the Quantum Theory, which, in very simple terms, the discernment of matter existing in discrete quantities.
Anyone with comprehension of what they read understands this to be a very simple description of «The Big Bang Theory», especially considering the vocabulary and knowledge 1400 years ago when this verse was revealed.
Some scientists have so struggled with the extreme improbability of the conditions for life resulting from randomness that they go so far as to dream up theories of parallel universes to explain the problems presented by simple math on the likelihood of random chance.
And on this very day are bound together through a complex system of acquired / learned expression through a more simpler medium of binary transports and constructs to counter one theory over another.
And so the simple idea of secularization theory — that over time modern secularity replaces premodern religious credulity — is negated by an exact reverse in the case of leading scholars in the development of British anthropology.
But even in the more conventional worlds of quantum mechanics and relativity, let alone cosmology and string theory, what we think of as «the simple logic of cause and effect» goes pretty much right out the window.
The point here is that the mixing of races, which has always taken place, makes nonsense out of racist theories, which presuppose the possibility of some simple racial identification.
Even more damning to the theory, is that even if those elements would become «complex» within themselves, that they would find other «complex structures» that were chemically attractive and form even the most rudimentary organic building blocks of the far, far more complex amino acids needed to create a very, very simple RNA molecule.
Carbon Dating is absolutly the most accurate method of determining distant age due to a simple chemical and physical fact (not theory for all you that don't understand the difference)... Carbon - 14 degrades at a known rate.
No high - minded just war theory juxtaposed against the simple pieties of pacifism.
From simple things like the so - called «earth heartbeat» predicted by multiple theories — some better than others, but most ridiculed as a bunch of hippies — to activity which is perfectly analogous to neuro - networks along cosmic filaments, and many others.
This is another example of simple - minded people distorting the truth in ANY way they can in a desperate attempt to prove their own fallacious theories.
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