Sentences with phrase «simple logic people»

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are people so simple they crave the misguided beliefs of others to feel better about themselves or are we triing to understand the lunacy of our citizens to believe something as pathic as a 3000 year old IDEA in order to act properly when voting in those who will run this country for the next 4 years a.k.a. voting in one who using rational thinking and logic to make choices!
Trust me, it's far more work trying to justify a delusion and rationalizing why what you believe isn't consistent with what you see in the real world than having one answer for all the questions you people flail about trying to answer and be able to rely on simple logic and facts to conclude there is no god.
«the simple logic of cause and effect»... I wonder how many people never saw the wool being pulled over their eyes when they read that one.
A lot of people on this blog who are Chrisitians want to defend their belief system by simple circular logic.
I confess to you, Dave that the fact that their are so many people on this planet who can't grasp the simplest concepts of logic and apparently are just fine with that, has me feeling a little miffed.
It is wholly illogical and downright arrogant to accept a simple watch was made by someone but our planet Earth with its BILLIONS OF LIFE FORMS is not... it saddens me that with our amazing supercomputer, our brain, that people can throw logic clear out the window.
Simple logic shows that «Love» is always firstly dependent on «Hope» because although you may choose to «Love» another (person or thing), there is no valid way of guaranteeing that «Love» will be returned / reciprocal; therefore it is a «blindtrust» /» Hope.»
@Jaz - There is nothing wrong with a gay couple adopting a child, now if that gay couple was going to adopt a child and believed that all straight ppl were living a lifestyle that was considered evil and a sin and were going to teach that type of hatred to the child, then they should not be allowed to adopt, pretty simple logic that goes both ways.
When you grow up, you will understand the simple logic that it takes various groups of people to ensure the building of a stadium and not ONE man.
However, many studies supporting this logic use unrealistic doses (such as 100 mg THC), and behavioral studies suggest that only complicated tasks are impaired by marijuana, as a similar study with tasks of variable difficulty level showed that people are still able to perform simple tasks.
i feel iam a good person who want to grow in every step of life friendship relationship career life is beautiful for me as i know the art of creating happiness around me wid my simple logics simple being wid lots of dr..
The concept revolves around a simple logic of reviewing the best of herpes dating sites for you with genuine and authentic reviewing mechanism and help you find that single person who will change your entire world and make your problems look really small and trivial.
People yawn when Buffett talks about indexing and «buy and hold», but I'm convinced that the simple logic of value investing, long - term thinking, and patience can go a long way toward trying to produce great investment results over time.
It's probably conservatives trying to seize the attack ground in view of a possible pending debate about climate change in Washington, but the chorus of denialist opinion is so coordinated and their «logic» so simple it is convincing many, even among educated people (science PhDs) who can not be bothered to look deep into things but try to form an opinion based on a few journalistic pieces.
The logic is so simple that it sometimes seems this doesn't need to be said, but growing up with a dysfunctional sense of what a «normal city» looks like can make something logical invisible, so here's the key point: A city, practically by definition, is a lot of people living in a relatively small area.
So, I developed the site myself but the actual application is built in a software service platform called Typeform which is a really cool way people that need to make really pretty, really complex, logic flow forms can use this service online and it gets it's relatively simple.
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