Sentences with phrase «simply obey»

We've learned to simply obey, even when things don't make sense.
Something to think about for the future is to simply obey the law and avoid accidents.
Simply obey the traffic rules and drive slowly and safely.
Corpulent canines and cats simply obey their biological urge, which is to eat to survive and thrive.
In America, guys get to be cool players who are allowed to switch between different pretty girl - toys who will simply obey.
Why shouldn't people simply obey the golden rule and give up all the extras?
Simply obey the sadness.
If one has no higher power to guide their actions, they simply obey selfish expedience.
Since it's been verified that the Gospel of Judas was written around the same time, and was part of the early Christian belief system, then why wouldn't it be possible that if these bible stories are legitimiate, that Judas simply obeyed the commands of Jesus and gave him up.
If that is who Jesus of Nazareth is, then surely one simply obeys.
Or was the human being who typed these words a mere organic robot simply obeying programming from God or fate?
Simply obeying the rules is not sufficient; one must feel at one with such a society in every corner of one's being.
God is telling him to do it, and he is simply obeying God's will.
Peter and Paul simply obeyed Jesus.
Ayduk notes that it's not clear whether Nso youngsters truly had greater self - control or if, true to farming community standards, they simply obeyed adults who asked them to wait for a second puff - puff, Ayduk adds.
On the surface, it looks like designers simply obeyed Pantone's command — calling up their factories and shouting, «Think pink!»

Not exact matches

Far from simply embracing regulation, Keller seems to go out of his way to find ever - stricter standards to obey.
And if the fiscal problem becomes unstable — more deficit to finance than security markets will allow, the Fed will obey its political masters and finance the deficit by a hyper - inflation, or hyper - tax, as a burgeoning inflation simply taxes all fixed dollar wealth — bonds, dollars, life insurance values, etc. — by the rate of price level increase.
i wouldnt call it islamaphobia cuz i do nt fear muslims.i simply do nt want them here cuz they are the enemy.and if they want to live here they should change to suit america instead of bringing that sharia law crap here.they are in my back yard so they should obey my laws.
I suspect that if Christians simply walked in the Spirit and obeyed Jesus on a consistent basis, nearly any institution that we involved ourselves in, from marriage to a business partnership to a baseball team, would be fairly edifying to all involved.
Our bodies obey the laws of science, but we are not simply controlled by them — there is more to say.
The issue is simply whether it is profitable to obey.
No pious Jew at the time refused to obey the first command in scripture: be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28), unless they simply couldn't.
Thus Abraham is in fact free to refuse, as he would not be were he simply commanded to obey.
If you are saying that God should be obeyed simply because He is God, then that is arbitrary morality / justice, which is not moral or just.
Not trying to go Euthyphro dilemma, but if God has to obey rules He exists within some construct that simply has always existed.
Paul's «soulish man» is simply the person who does not obey the truths of the gospel because they are unwilling to learn the truths of the gospel.
More than the Depression generation, we thought we had a rendezvous with destiny; and we have never quite been able to come to terms with the ensuing knowledge that destiny obeys her own rhythm and can't be called up at will simply because it seems like a nice thing to have her on your side.»
The Church opposes contraception, and the approach at the time seems to have simply to stress the duty of Catholics was to obey this — a position which was, of course, entirely right, but which emphasised obedience and tribal loyalty rather than an understanding of the issues and a sense of involvement in standing up for what is right.
The Samaritan knew that one does not obey simply for obedience sake, but that obedience springs from a grateful heart.
While it is wonderful to obey God simply out of love for Him, it is not wrong to see the value in obeying Him to obtain a reward.
Whereas the ancients simply had to obey the dictates of their gods (as known within their traditions), we now find that, as a very important part of nature ourselves, an increasing measure of responsibility lies upon our species for the future of all planetary life.
Jefferson in his many words is todays paul by basically testifying to a lost society by preaching «The heart «that is what God wants not the shell which will rott away.I can stand with this truth until the day I die because I also have had disagreements in my church about this same topic.I dispise religion and encourage salvation which come from having a relationship with Jesus.Many may ask how do i have a relationship with him?by simply asking God through prayer, not what we know as pray but simply given up and telling God he win.That is what being righteous means saying «lord your're right and i will believe and obey that.Last i will like to thank jefferson for this clip, becuase for so long I have been feeling like todays churches in not like the first churches.They are stuck into their four cornered walls preaching to those who already obtain the word and people who already think they are perfect, but what about the weak and the sinners who we are suppose to love, go after, preach to, help and deliver the same way as Christ camed for the sinners so do we also be like him.Jefferson basically telling all us young people and old no matter who have suffered in the world, the church, or no matter what party or the past that there is hope and «God wants that person» not the sin but the person.Jefferson wants us to know that God can become personal with us and we do exist or can exist in the christian world not because we are perfect but because «he is perfect and he saw our broken spirits and rescued us!
Which message is more dangerous: «God gives eternal life to anyone who simply believes in Jesus for it» OR «God gives eternal life to those who turn from sin, obey God, and live a life of ongoing good works»?
They are simply trying to obey scripture, which Burk supports.
`... that all authority in the last analysis rests on opinion is never more forcefully demonstrated then when, suddenly and unexpectedly, a universal refusal to obey initiates what then turns into a revolution... Unlike human reason, human power is not only «timid and cautious when left alone», it is simply non-existent unless it can rely on others; and the most powerful king and the least scrupulous of all tyrants are helpless if no one obeys them, that is supports them through obedience; for, in politics, obedience and support are the same».
Despite having such strict rules and high expectations, they do little to explain the reasoning behind their demands and simply expect children to obey without question.
If it means information subject to the Official Secrets Act, then Acoba's condition is supererogatory: it is simply re-stating the law which ex-ministers have to obey like anyone else.
These create simple rules that specify how the character should behave, and the individual joints simply move to obey them.
However, c) there is a great look inside the air controllers» office when Patrick Harten (Patch Darragh) goes through what is probably the most exciting day of his life, quickly relating instructions to the pilot and the first officer but is then told that there is simply not enough thrust left to obey the routine protocol.
«Order doesn't simply mean obeying rules or tossing challenging kids out of a classroom — it means figuring out what we can do for students,» said Stengel, who has conducted research in Nashville schools for nearly a decade.
What happens now is that those charters will simply have to obey the law as it was written or get the legislature to change the law.
During a spirited driving session it hunkered down and obeyed driver input with a precision and sharpness that many crossovers simply lack.
At a point in hard corners where the previous Sport simply had to resign from delivering any more cornering force, this one continues to obey the wheel with ease and aplomb.
It's not simply that if you take your dog off the leash and tell him to sit, he obeys.
Some dogs simply will not sit or obey commands and by addressing the breakdown of communication and pack leadership, it is possible to overcome these hurdles.
So, other trainers would say that a dog has completed their Puppy, Basic, Intermediate and Advanced obedience classes simply because the dog has attended ¦ regardless of whether the dog will obey.
Puppy Obedience Training When obedience training was introduced about 40 years ago, one simply put a choke chain or prong collar on the dog, gave it a command and jerked it into obeying.
Basic obedience training can help to curtail a lot of unwanted behaviors, simply because the training not only teaches the dog to obey, but places you in the leadership position.
The game's equation of obedience = failure could be seen as a roundabout way of simply saying don't obey, but setting it up as a choice changes the player's perception makes it a meaningful and purposeful decision whose inevitably deadly consequences carry more weight.
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