Sentences with phrase «since human existence»

Since human existence is a direction taken, rather than a point at which we have already arrived, further movement (together with an awareness of our human identity) will depend largely upon how we respond both to the past and to the impact of the present upon us.
Since human existence is most important, it can add most to the importance of the inherited world.

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Since no one in this world does not have any one answer for every single child in the mother's womb about whom the child will become, there is no one answer for the nature of existence, especially humans.
Since Christ was conceived in human way, the existence of holy spirit, and it being the cause for mary's conception is false.
The Porritt two - child maximum would go by the wayside, since women would have to bear many children just so that enough would survive to keep the human race in existence.
They can not exist in the substance of bread since the bread is no longer present and they can not have their existence in the substance of Christ's body because the substance of a human body is not the proper substance for the accidents of bread: human bodies simply do not have the texture, colour, and so on, of bread.
the purpose why God allowed multiple religions to evolve and exist in the distant and even today is because our minds intellectual capacity has increased tremendously after we became civilized about 10,000 years go.Earlier when we were hunter gatherers our priorities was just to find food to survive, Then we became more knowlegible and our concern includes the intelle tual need to understand the meaning and purpose of our existence, so God allowed the founding and establishment of many religions by humans to conform with their intellectual, social and educational development, Since this is not static, it contiually diversify and change to conform with their times of existince, History showed that this is continuesly improving, so the future expects changes towards Panthrotheism in accordance to His will.
«Every single human being who walks on the face of the earth has a lense that they view the world through... Since Evolution / Atheism denies the existence of God and the biblical account of creation, they have to make sense of the fossil record and geologic formations somehow.»
Too great an attachment to the datum self as a methodological starting point commits one unwittingly to solipsism, Hartshorne holds, since one could never achieve a sound epistemological basis for inferring the existence of anything beyond the datum self by this method.31 Further, if it is true that human beings are social all the way down, resistance to a literal participation in the being of a person by others (including their literal purposes) is also a form of impersonalism, according to Hartshorne's analysis — a charge from which Brightman would have reeled, had he realized that this was Hartshorne's implication.
According to Ephrem, since Adam's fall, outward conditions have experienced catastrophic changes, but neither human nature nor the spiritual - ethical level in human existence has been affected.
This states that if something is necessary for human existence, then it must be true since we do exist.
No Christian before him, and perhaps none since, has so profoundly expressed the desperation of the soul's search for a rock of faith which will hold firm in the midst of the complete insecurity of human existence.
Example Membership, attend approach decision sector call concentration number deny contact used appeal proper something surround dream public speed resource stop other shape focus somewhat video perhaps human argue league sound that enable plan expenditure collect the burn murder amount appoint grant task girl time similar crime since divide once space reform measure glass exhibition judge hide appear piece cost end drink profit wild lord life few although anybody want stand refer drive lot continue insist read well sea existence map operate act release area holiday belief but thing drink
In Eliade's words: «Since God was incarnated, that is, since he took on a historically conditioned human existence, history acquires the possibility of being sanctiSince God was incarnated, that is, since he took on a historically conditioned human existence, history acquires the possibility of being sanctisince he took on a historically conditioned human existence, history acquires the possibility of being sanctified.
They recovered the classical experience of reason as the potential infinity of human questions, showing how this dynamic «ratio» as a desire for understanding is healed and transformed by the paschal - metanoetic experience of faith in the Sophia - Cod of compassion and love.4 Aquinas, for example, understood God as «intimately present within everything that exists since God is existence» and that Cod's omnipotence — Aquinas wrote very little about it — regards not actualities but possibilities, and is best manifested in forgiveness and compassionate mercy.5
«Adam is not defined by an essence since for human reality essence comes after existence.
Our accepted exegesis of this bold denial is that it means only a repudiation of divine activity in human affairs, since, so it is said, the Hebrews never doubted the existence of God.
To the fundamentalist, the Bible is the one point where the relativity of human existence is broken since the Bible provides immediate access to God.
But the same ontological totality is not necessarily a manifestation of Spirit since Spirit presupposes at least some minimal form of self - consciousness within the individual entity and thus is confined to the human and interhuman spheres of existence and activity.
Soul and Image of God In an article for Qatar's top selling English daily newspaper, The Gulf Times, Abdul rehman al - Sheha, author of Misconception on Human Rights in Islam, wrote: «The human soul is given, since its creation, to recognise the existence of its Creator, who has also created this Universe which demonstrates the greatness of its Creator.&rHuman Rights in Islam, wrote: «The human soul is given, since its creation, to recognise the existence of its Creator, who has also created this Universe which demonstrates the greatness of its Creator.&rhuman soul is given, since its creation, to recognise the existence of its Creator, who has also created this Universe which demonstrates the greatness of its Creator.»
As to their presuming to set their destination, surely the editors can not complain about that, since they so strongly agree with the Supreme Court dictum in Casey that there is no higher truth than «the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.»
It is more comprehensive since it takes into account more caringly those segments of cosmic process that appear to us to be regressive, to move away from further enhancement of consciousness and away from the ideals we set up for our human existence.
Within created kinds is all we will probably see with a human life time or since we've been looking, but recorded history is but pin point compared to the world when talking about the time we know of the earths existence.
Some argue that since the struggle for existence» is a «law of the jungle» it must be a law for humans too.
Process thought has its significance here, too, since one of its main contentions is that a unitary interpretation of existence, human and natural, can make sense of and give sense to all the fields of human inquiry and human enjoyment.
Yet in many ways the feminist call for change was even more radical, since relations between men and women are fundamental to all human existence.
Women have been producing such a miraculous substance, breastmilk, since the beginning of human existence, yet they form the least wealthy and the least powerful half of humanity.»
Women have been having babies since the beginning of human existence.
He added that the existence of episodic memory in lower animals has implications for research on human diseases that affect memory, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases, since the majority of research on the brain — and the drugs used to treat memory diseases and dementia — start out based on insights into how the brain works in rats.
The existence of cancer stem cells has already been reported in a number of human cancers, explains Professor Jacobsen, but previous findings have remained controversial since the lab tests used to establish the identity of cancer stem cells have been shown to be unreliable and, in any case, do not reflect the «real situation» in an intact tumour in a patient.
The fossils form such a neatly graded series, getting less and less ape - like and more and more human as they get closer in time to the present, that the most earnest creationist can do little more than muddy the waters by inflating and distorting the existence of points of disagreement between specialists, or trying to revive long since discredited Homo sapiens specimens once claimed to have been from extremely ancient deposits.
I really haven't seen a miraculous medication like the cannabis Oil and I must applaud you Sir, for all you have been doing to the the Citizen of America as Our founding Father would be extremely proud of you for putting an end to the tears of life lost to Lyme disease since the existence of humans.
A growing body of science now backs up what humans have naturally done since existence; walking barefoot.
Well, there's a simple explanation for that... humans were the ONLY species with a well developed enough brain to understand how to control fire and therefore cook our food... And since we've been cooking a portion of our foods for the entire existence of our species (200,000 years) as well as our ancestors back several million years, our digestive systems have adapted to eating a portion of our food cooked.
The idea is simply that for the first 99.5 % of our existence (ancestors back as far as 2 Million years ago, homo erectus), we only ate wild plants and animals, while for the last 0.5 % of our existence (since the agricultural revolution in the last 5,000 - 10,000 years), humans now almost entirely eat farmed plants and animals.
Since the dawn of human existence, herbs have been used to safely and effectively address a wide variety of health goals...
Dating is a part of human existence that has been practiced since the beginning of the world.
It's a long time since we've seen a blockbuster that engages with big questions — of death, of grief, of loneliness, of human existence — in the way that this does, and that makes it something to be cherished.
Ever since the «Patterson - Gimlin film» surfaced in 1967, humans have tried to prove the existence of Bigfoot / Sasquatch / the Abominable Snowman, of course...
On the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge (which served as a key human / ape battleground in Rise) is Caesar (played again by Andy Serkis via motion capture), who since the last movie has built a thriving community of fellow apes and led them to a harmonious existence, tucked away in the towering redwoods of Marin County.
Abstract: The research examines the transition from emergency relief and needs - based service delivery to sustainable human rights - based action by NGOs working in ten Burmese refugee camps in Thailand, that have been in existence since the 1980s.
Even cats that have been hand fed and raised by humans for their whole lives will still carry the hunters instinct because it has been bred into them since the beginning of their existence.
He's fascinated partly because «they are beautiful creatures», and also because their habits present a fragile analogy (or contrast) to human urban existence, since they are capable of «living in great numbers together in relative peace».
Since a commenter mentioned the medieval vineyards in England, I've been engaged on a quixotic quest to discover the truth about the oft - cited, but seldom thought through, claim that the existence of said vineyards a thousand years ago implies that a «Medieval Warm Period «was obviously warmer than the current climate (and by implication that human - caused global warming is not occuring).
The most comprehensive report on climate change in existence describes how humans are primarily responsible for warming since 1950.
The complexity of this issue is clear but so is its value since love for many is the most vital aspect of human existence for people the world over.
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