Sentences with phrase «sitz said»

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Generally, when we cherry pick we acknowledge that the Scriptures were not composed systematically and we are using our context, our sitz im liben, after the example of the Scripture writers who did the same with the saying they had at hand.
The saying, therefore, belongs to the positive sayings about the Baptist and as such would have to be rejected, on Bultmann's grounds, as having a Sitz zm Leben in anti-Jewish polemic in the early Church, (As indeed it is by E. Jüngel, the only recent contributor to the discussion to deny the authenticity of the saying, who argues that Matthew has set John on the side of Jesus «aus antijüdischer Polemik» [Paulus und Jesus (Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck], 1964), p. 191].
But it does mean that we are entitled to posit an original Sitz im Leben Jesu for Kingdom sayings and to regard as real the possibility of recovering an original form in some limited number of instances.
The saying clearly implies a Sitz im Leben Jesu; it implies a practice of exorcism in the ministry of Jesus to which it refers.
Käsemann's hypothesis of an eschatological judgement pronouncement tradition in the early Church in which these sayings have a Sitz im Leben is to be accepted.
«Assemble the basic things you use everyday, like lotion and facial cleanser, and also make room for items like maxi pads, sitz bath, and a peri-bottle, which you'll need to use while you're healing,» says Bonnie Henson, R.N., B.S., who is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and a man - ager of prenatal education and lactation support services at MemorialCare Center for Women at Miller Children's Hospital in Long Beach, CA.
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