Sentences with phrase «skeptical science notes»

Skeptical Science notes that when the coal externalities of the study are included in coal's price, it increases the levalized costs to approximately 28 cents per kWh, which is more than the 2009 U.S. Energy Information Administration cost of hydroelectric, wind (onshore and offshore), geothermal, biomass, nuclear, natural gas, and solar photovoltaics, and is on par with solar thermal, although the costs of solar thermal are falling.
Skeptical Science notes that while Linzen has published a large body of peer - reviewed work, some of his points remain disputed.

Not exact matches

I am sadden to note that no amount of science can convince a skeptical mind.
Others: please note that there is a user mwsmith12 over at Skeptical Science asking much the same questions.
It is hard to dispute this except to note that Krauthammer here has taken a radically skeptical position not merely on climate science, but on all science.
The survey noted that those skeptical of man's influence on global warming aren't science illiterate, a favorite talking point of the far left.
2 Evidence that the survey was held at the Skeptical Science website --(please note the Wayback machine archive, shows that it is impossible for a survey to have been held at Skeptical Science, to match the LOG12 paper claimed content analysis.
The actual physical mechanisms advanced by the IPCC, Rahmstorf, Schmittner and Skeptical Science are problematic to say the least and note the IPCC do not make an anthropogenic attribution to 0 - 2000m (only to 0 - 700m) and only for the 20th century (not for the 21st century).
In response to our questions in a previous Skeptical Science article, Natalia Shakhova noted that her preliminary isotope studies of the released East Siberian Arctic Shelf methane show mixed origins for the gas.
Skeptical Science also notes that the graph on page 33 of the SPPI document has taken a sea level graph from the University of Colorado at Boulder which shows a 3.2 millimeter per year sea level rise trend, and literally rotated to make the trend look flat.
For Skeptical Science readers wondering what Trump has to do with climate science, note that this article is actually about critical thinking and inoculation, key topics in our Denial101x online course (Trump is just a case Science readers wondering what Trump has to do with climate science, note that this article is actually about critical thinking and inoculation, key topics in our Denial101x online course (Trump is just a case science, note that this article is actually about critical thinking and inoculation, key topics in our Denial101x online course (Trump is just a case study).
Here is the skeptical side of Abelson at a time, almost 2o years ago, when climate science in general operated on a much smaller set of data (but note that he quotes more or less the same wide range of climate sensitivity estimates that are the norm today)-- Abelson
I like the verdict of the Economist, which found the critique «strong on contempt and sneering, but weak on substance,» and noted the strange attitude in the headline: «Science defends itself against the Skeptical Environmentalist.»
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