Sentences with phrase «sky weather app»

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But I've cycled through a couple different weather apps over the years, and Dark Sky seems to be the most accurate so far.
While I don't 100 % love Dark Sky, it's the best weather app I've tried so far.
Some of my favorite apps to use include Uber for rides, Zite for news, Postmates for delivery, FitStar for workouts and Dark Sky for weather.
If you use an app like Dark Sky on your iPhone, it's actually easier to rely on the default weather app on your Watch and let your third party app push weather alerts to your wrist.
I've tried other third - party weather appsWeather Line is a particularly pretty alternative — but I always end up going back to Dark Sky.
Dark Sky is an awesome weather app.
Dark Sky is a paid app ($ 3.99), but it's also arguably one of the best mobile weather apps.
Integration hadn't yet arrived when I tested this on the Cortana Android app, as a command like, «Ask Dark Sky for today's weather forecast» will only yield you a prompt to download the mobile app.
You can have multiple locations and is the only Apple TV app which uses Dark Sky weather service to predict the rainfalls.
Arcus Weather is unique in that it taps into the same database that powers our favorite iPhone weather app, Dark Sky.
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