Sentences with phrase «slam ball workout»

BOOST YOUR AEROBIC CAPACITY: Slam ball workouts tone the cardiovascular system, enhance circulation and dramatically improve your strength and endurance.

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CrossFit Sanitas — CrossFit Teens Workout Of the Day Metcon (Time) 4 Rounds For Time 100m Sandbag or Heavy Slam Ball Carry 10 Bench Press 20 Wall Balls 100m KB Farmers Carry
Engage your entire body in a high - intensity workout with the Triangle Sale Slam Ball.
These are perfect for Cross Training and HIIT, where the slam ball is a staple of many workouts.
Usage: Throw against the wall to hit a target or use for medicine ball workouts like squats, sit - ups, twists and more; Not meant to be used for slam ball exercise routines as it will damage the ball
DURABLE RUBBER SHELL: Designed to survive your toughest workouts, the TRX Slam Ball features a thick, ultra-durable rubber shell that absorbs impact from every core - strengthening dead bounce.
Some of the tools we may use in your workouts include: free weights, kettlebells, Indian clubs / clubbells, resistance bands, sandbags, battling rope, TRX suspension trainer, medicine balls, slam balls, stability balls, Power Wheel, Lebert Equalizers, Bosu ball, ab slings, gymnastic rings, plyometric boxes, weight sled, agility ladder, full kickboxing gear, Rumble Roller, Trigger Point Therapy kit and much more.
I was intrigued by all that they shared: group workouts by a personal trainer, mainly body weight, uses sand bags, slam balls, TRX trainers, bands, and a heavy dumbbell.
Tagged: ab workout, l sit, plank, weighted plank, flutter kick, side plank, seal plank, sit up, crunch, landmine rotation, ball slam, leg raise, gymnastics, bodyweight training, core workout, core exercises
Many people these days want to swing around a kettlebell, slam a medicine ball and flip tyres for a workout, yet they often can't do 10 push - ups to save themselves.
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