Sentences with phrase «slowly open your arms»

Slowly open your arms outward, as you would to embrace someone.
Grip the cables or bands and slowly open your arms wide, straightening them as you come out.
a) Breathe in, slowly open your arms at shoulder height, bring your shoulder blades close to each other and lift your chin progressively towards the ceiling.

Not exact matches

Nana slowly opened the door and there was Ellie standing at the edge of her play yard, all smiles, having abandoned her toys for the welcoming arms of her Nana.
As Winter slowly dissipates, we welcome Spring with wide open arms!
Now stretch out your arms wide open and push the right side of your waistline over your right leg while going down slowly with a flat back.
In the morning the Sunflower wakes up and opens up as they slowly bring their arms up overhead and lie back wit their arms on the floor behind them.
Although her aunt, uncle, and younger cousin Anna welcome her with open arms, it's only very slowly that Frida begins to get used to her new home in the countryside.
We've been welcomed in to the community with open arms, are members of the Welsh Contact Centre Forum, sponsored the Welsh Contact Centre Awards in March this year and are slowly becoming more and more established in the market.
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