Sentences with phrase «smacking good»

If you happen to see a unique vehicle of this kind, run towards it and put in your vote for the new administration to eat - the - walk of locally «edible estate» grown, lip - smacking good, organic produce.
She said it's lip smacking good!
The chrome outline on the front grille makes this already attention - grabbing car look flashy, while the 15 - inch black alloy wheels look lip - smacking good.
It's lip smacking good.
My Understanding Hormones ebook, which helps you better understand how your adrenals, thyroid and sex hormones truly function + My Four Phase Cycle Guide, helping you understand everything about the different phases of your cycle, which will help you determine certain hormonal imbalances + My 28 Day Meal Plan, which contains over 65 + hormone balancing recipes that are lip smacking good!
This spicy tahini sauce is lip - smacking good, and I am sure you will agree once you make it.
It was lip smacking good.
Together with the raw broccoli tabbouli that I posted earlier this week, they form the trifecta of delicious lip - smacking good street food.
This is lip - smacking good.
Part of me wants to default to the ALL THAT MATTERS IS BABY IS FED AND MAMA IS HAPPY stance, but another part of me wants to smack your well - regarded lactation consultant sideways for telling the mother of a days - old infant to STOP NURSING ENTIRELY FOR FOUR DAYS.

Not exact matches

Between that and, say, Square taking on Twitter troll Fart Sandwich, the takeaway might be, There appears to be latitude to good - naturedly smack down a rude hater — not to be confused with a genuinely disgruntled customer — from time to time, if that is something that makes sense for my brand.
While it may smack as blasphemy to seasoned presenters, research has shown that individuals exposed to a graphic representation of a message pay more attention to it, agree more with it, and better recall it compared with people shown a bulleted list of text.
Best of all, we've learned to work together without the temptation to smack each other up the side of the head.
If you thought you were going to make $ 100,000 and drive a Porsche immediately out of college, then your standards of success were skewed and superficial, you confused your pleasure for happiness, and the painful smack of reality hitting you in the face will be one of the best lessons life ever gives you.
While the associations might smack of remarkable bad luck, Cho says he learned several valuable lessons that have made him a better leader.
Canada is in a significantly better situation at 0.32, which is smack dab between the worst and best performers.
They will probably end up going under and destroying their business just because they wanted to punish employees through their religious beliefs — Management needs a good swift smack to the back of the head — hopefully that will knock some sense into things.
You never once smacked one of those kids, the ones there on full scholarship with visions of patched sport coasts in the Ivory Tower, you never once icily mentioned that you were working full time, going into debt, commuting two hours to school, that you had three small babies at home, that you worked in a fast - paced and exhausting industry under tremendous pressure just to come home, kiss your kids for a brief moment, launching into that thesis until well past midnight, just to get up at 6 the next morning and do it all over again, relentlessly.
Your call for grace in this instance bears a striking resemblance to Doug Pagitt's call for generosity, and both smack of disingenuous concern for the greater good meant to disguise your attempts to cover your friend's ass.
It was filled with empty chairs and Christmas lights, and there in one far corner, a gathering of parents stood smack right in front of the risers filled with children in their Christmas best.
As hard as it may be, there is no better nor safer place to be than smack - dab in the middle of His good, pleasing, and perfect will.
My friends and i go to a christian church and some of the Muslim students have gone with us just to see and learn for them selves what it is like instead of going off rumors and here say... Unless you have experiences something on your own you have no right to talk smack about it... The reason the world is the way it is is because people are to stuck up THEIR butts and THEIR way, to even try and become educated about anything else... im not saying convert or change your ways... But be educated about something before you talk because if your not you really look like a fool... ever religion, race, culture,... they have their good people and they have their bad people and you CAN NOT judge a whole race, religion, culture... off one group... that just being single minded!!!
God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil right smack in the middle of the garden.
These methods may very well be common outside of the Christian social media sphere, but the fact that they're common in it — among people who should claim to care about integrity — does smack of hypocrisy.
However, calling those who choose to follow Jesus outside that model «dead» seriously smacks of desperation, the desperation of an institution that made unwise decisions in the past and is now left with a model that isn't working well.
While it may very well be true that Heidegger sounds as if he is arguing for a pre-modern, pre-mechanized society, perhaps leaning toward a Luddite perspective, and while it also may appear that McLuhan is arguing for the continued evolution of technology that will enhance society, perhaps smacking of a full - blown techophilism, both theorists come together on the primary assertion that they make - technology has a profound and invisible shaping force on our epistemic values, perceptions of reality and truth, and cultural values and norms.
If your imaginary sky fairy shines his light in your corner, you'd better watch out - he's probably going to smack you with a fly - swatter, you ugly cretin.
Such efforts themselves smack of liberal Protestantism: they seek to put the university, or at least some scholars within it, in the service of the public good.
It's easier to talk smack about lower income people when you are doing good because of your street smart techniques in business.
Let's comb the bars and seedy taverns to scoop up good, hard - drinking Christians, then smack»em upside the head.
For the young pastors in the group, this smacked of self - promotion, and Malphurs seemed to sense this, because when he was done, he said, «Well, enough of selling my own books.»
As they say in New Orleans, it's so good it will make you want to smack yo mama.
Then you can smack a label on it and you're good to go.
For the past 25 years, Butch Lupinetti and Butch's Smack Your Lips BBQ has traveled all over the US and Canada winning over 500 awards, including KCBS Grand Champion for the State of New Jersey; Best Ribs at the Great American Rib Cook Off in Cleveland, Ohio; Best Ribs at Best In The West Rib Cook Off in Reno, Nevada, the Super Bowl of Rib Competitions; and Best Ribs at the Jack Daniels World Championship Invitational.
Good snack - y foods are a must for shoveling into your mouth between smack - talking.
I added the coconut oil to make them more moist so they were good enough for me but not the kind of moist that makes you smack your lips.
Never heard of marble cake, lovely and innovative combination... Last pic of cake - lip smacking And thanks Chocolate, for good wishes on me completing my thesis
After their initial visit to Healthy Flour headquarters, the team decided there would be no better way to market the cereal than by putting owner / founder Peggy Sutton's picture and the Healthy Flour story smack dab on the back of the box.
Well wait just one sec while I tell you about another place you can find this lip - smacking scrumptious burger today, its also over on my good friend Claire's blog — Vidya!
Made it by the recipe and it turned out moist, soft and smack your mama good.
Lip - smacking tasty and smokey, this one does well on burgers, steaks and nachos.
Think of this cut as a lamb - ier oxtail — there's plenty of rich, well - marbled meat surrounding loads of collagen - rich bone and connective tissue, all of which slow - cooks to tender, lip - smacking perfection.
Simmering a good - quality chicken with its bones and a handful of aromatics like onions, carrots, and celery transforms the contents of your pot into nothing short of liquid gold: a richly flavored, lip - smacking broth that takes risottos, soups, and stews to their most delicious potential.
We love the way that all of the collagen and gelatin trapped around those bits enrich long - cooking braises — like this oxtail number — creating a lip - smacking liquid that's every bit as meaty as, well, the meat itself.
The soup tastes even better when you can smack your lips and lick your fingers.
The proposed site, smack in the middle of the state's grains belt and well serviced by major freight routes, would employ the latest technology to extract every golden drop of oil from the tiny black canola seeds.
A guy who hits.310, smacks doubles, and can work a count and earn a walk has value as well.
I don't giver f**k if anybody thumb me down for my comment & I'm not gonna apologies or feel regret about it but Wenger and his team full of S *** they always disappointing us the fans when we don't expect them to do that whatha f**k Wenger better get his a ** out of this team before he get the smack up Arsenal is not just a one man club f *** Wenger.
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