Sentences with phrase «smaller cast aside»

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So, if you're hesitant about taking babies or small children to Disney World, I recommend you cast your worries aside and just enjoy.
Andrew Cuomo, casting aside lavish recent prece dents, will hold a small and «austere» inaugural swearing - in ceremony Jan. 1 designed to highlight the state's looming budget emergency, The Post has learned.
From that point on, everything grew smaller, sleeker, and faster: Tiny digital cameras replaced ancestral Polaroids, Zip disks cast out floppies, DVDs thrust aside videotape, and ever - slimmer cell phones and Palm Pilots proliferated.
MCU fans are already eating up any small bits of news around the secretive production including debating who the villains (aside from Thanos) will be, and gawking every time a new cast member is added to the huge credits list.
Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman Cast aside as supposed witches, the Owens women have been the scapegoats of their small Massachusetts town for generations.
Individual species in trouble were said to be early warning signals, like canaries in coalmines, or small but essential, like rivets in airplanes — the works and windings of natural systems, which no sane tinkerer would cast aside.
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