Sentences with phrase «so dads»

So dads, if you're reading this, get moving!
Others choose to do it so dads can share in feeding.
I'm going to share about a dozen holistic pregnancy remedies with you, tips for all parents - so dads / birth partners should join us too.
So Dads, where do we fit in?
So dads, partners, grandmas, friends... think small packages.
The Boba provides exceptional adjustment points that ensure confidence and closeness, so dads can move on with the task at hand knowing their little one is secure and comfortable.
I mean, I realize moms go through way more pain and suffering during pregnancy and labor, but they also have the joy of feeling the baby inside them and bonding while nursing (if mom decides to go that route), so dads are left out in so many ways.
So some dads are heroic when it comes to throw - up and others are sniveling cowards, but either way, when it comes to breast - feeding, men shouldn't say a word.
So dads were featured in BabyBjörn's ads for the first time — something that wasn't entirely uncontroversial.
So dads, grab that grocery list and go.
Hospital food service is often just for moms, so dads might need to hit up the good ol' vending machines for a midnight snack.
His citations go back as far as Plato («You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation») and as recently as «Stranger Things» teen star Millie Bobby Brown («I was bored one day, so my dad took me to this acting school.
I am sure you are entirely shocked to hear that there wasn't a lot of demand for this type of furniture (this was before hipsters became a thing), so my dad had to be resourceful.
So dad has to do it.»
Create a system for paperwork and scheduling the family so Dad isn't slated to tee off with his co-workers at the same time he's supposed to chaperone a field trip.
We couldn't afford better equipment, so my dad and I started to go to Radio Shack and bought raw parts to put together a complete P.A. system.
«So your dad tells me you want to work with animals someday,» he said.
Don't worry about finding the remote; this system has voice - search, so dad can watch whatever his heart desires by simply calling out its title and avoiding confusing remote buttons all together.
Then, at age 15, Reed's family relocated to the sleepy mountain town of Toccoa, Georgia, so his dad, a doctor, could take a better - paying job.
So my dad just returned from the International Forum on Higher Education for the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities held in Atlanta, where the hot topic of the week was teaching evolution in Christian colleges.Francis Collins, author of The Language of God and founder of theBioLogos Foundation, spoke at the conference, urging professors and administrators to beware of placing students in the position of having to choose between their intellectual integrity and their faith.
So my dad was overstepping his bounds by telling his two daughters to abstain from s.ex until marriage according to the Biblical mandate?
«The little girl cried when Jesus died, so her dad paused the video and explained what was happening, and assured her that there was going to be a big surprise coming up.
So your dad said your offspring would change color rapidly and run off to specific corners of the Earth in a stunning display of high - speed evolution?
I used applesauce in place of butter to ensure these could be dairy free so my dad could eat them, but if dairy isn't a concern for you then feel free to switch out the applesauce for an equal amount of melted butter.
(for Dad's birthday) jump to recipe So my Dad's birthday is on Monday, and I can't be there to celebrate with him, so I'm sending coconut.
This year, the wonderful birth of a new granddaughter has muddled this, so Dad and I will be having a community Thanksgiving dinner with my son's Army comrades at Ft. Bragg, NC.
My sister and I would have to HIDE them in our rooms so my dad wouldn't eat them!
«Back then, we were still marketing through Sunkist and selling a little bit domestically, and Carl [Pescosolido] said he could get us an export business to Japan, so my dad let him buy in.»
«The Pescosolidos came in around 1975 or 1976, and the Pescosolidos said they wanted to get involved so my dad said, «What can you bring to the table?
«So Dad, Buddy and Angel Girl are attempting to put in the attic stairs.
When I was little I hated tomato sauce and so my dad used to make me a white pizza just like this!
I'm an only child, so my dad has been my rock throughout life and has taught me so much about what to look for in a life partner that I just can't imagine the emotions I'm going to feel as he walks me down the aisle.
I plan on making this cake for Easter this weekend so my dad can actually partake in a dessert, and if it works (I am a terrible cook) then again for my son's first birthday in a few weeks.
Luckily I was baking at my parents house so my dad finagled a solution (extra flour at the end and a large splash of water) but I'm still not sure what happened.
So dad, here it is.
Thanks I'm going to make this for my Christmas so my dad can eat dessert — he has Coeliac's disease.
Pretty soon they were quite common around most New York golf courses, so Dad, ever the salesman, had to come up with something new.
It's always out of fix, so Dad and I spend a lot of time working on it.
«So my dad (who also played goalie) said, «We might as well put you in the goal because you're falling all the time.
Hopefully one day I will have a nice big studio of my own so my dad can reclaim his garage!
If you can not breastfeed or choose not to for whatever reasons, that's one thing but don't tell the rest of us that we should stop so dad can have more of a role.
An advice is to get a phone that has a really good camera, so dad can take all those great baby pictures he wants!
My mum worked so my dad took care of us a lot.
by Michelle Watson, PhD, LPC So dad, I know that you don't always have it easy when it comes to... Read More»
remember that if bottles are substituted for a regular breastfeeding (think: mom wants to take a bath each evening at 8 pm so Dad offers a bottle of expressed breast milk) and Mom doesn't express her breast milk, in 3 - 5 days, milk production will be decreased because the milk was allowed to accumulate.
Could you split the responsibility some nights so Dad can help?
Sophie is initially distressed by Henry's crying, so Dad does the hardest part of this process — reassuring her and keeping her out of reach of Henry's flailing feet at the same time as he tends to Henry: «That's right, Sophie.
So his dad wants to get him ready but he screams at him «No Mommy!»
Or your child jumps up and hits their head against something because they are not paying attention, so the Dad gets yelled at because it somehow should have bee avoided.
The baby was always in the crook of my arm, so dad would have rolled onto my arm before the baby, but it is not advised to put baby next to dad.
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