Sentences with phrase «so listen to the voices»

So listen to the voices of your own angels, and good luck with whatever it is they persuade you to do.

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If you constantly surround yourself with people who believe just like you do, then you are hearing the same conversations, and you are not growing, and you are not learning to be open to perspectives,» Canaday cautions, so consciously seek out diverse voices and listen deeply to what they have to say.
You can tap the app logo to toggle between a light or dark theme, trim silences from podcasts to save time, increase voice volume and decrease background noises, skip episode introductions and sync subscriptions to the cloud so you can pick up listening on another device or on the web.
That platform to voice an opinion coupled with some good luck has made the average investor feel invincible, so much that they do not listen to what insiders are saying or doing.
We willingly submit ourselves to physical self - denial so that inwardly we might create space to intentionally listen for God's voice in our lives.
In doing so, he reminds us, again and again, of how much depends on our willingness to listen to the eloquent voices of the past.
Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.
Few people need us to be a «voice for the voiceless,» instead I believe it's more powerful to elevate and amplify the voices from the margins, from the ones we overlook and pass over, to say that everyone is worth listening to and that — regardless of race, socio - economic status, geography, ability, and so on — people get to own their own stories.
So, we seek the Kingdom, we listen for His voice, we are comforted by the Comforter... and in sharing the seeking, listening and comforting one to another, we learn.
My father died when I was young, so I don't remember his voice, but I've listened to Garrison Keillor pretty regularly for 25 years.
The film «Voices of the Silenced» shows how and why the 15 individuals introduced in the film have experienced exactly that, regardless of who disagrees with them - they have a right to do so, and it would be respectful to listen to them.
So you need to listen to the voices that are trying to guide you out of the burning house.
Life listening for God is not so much different than tuning in to a radio station, Jesus said, My sheep know my voice».
Knowledge and who we «feel» is not going to get us into heaven, but the truth will... One day everybody, will have to give an account to God why we choose to reject him, and we won't have an excues... I didn't know, I wanted to, and all the others we come up with... You've heard who Jesus is, and still choose to wall away... Jesus came so that everybody would be saved, he doesn't want to lose not one but we need to listen to his voice and choose to follow him... The enemy walks around like a roaring lion seeking who he may destory, and unfortunatley he's caught some of us but until you take your last breath it's never too late to choose Christ...
Looks like it's going to be a good read I'm excited to be able to read this book I just recently read your book atonement of God and loved it I've also listen to your teachings on Genesis love that very much especially episode 43 when you talk about the voice of God in the garden that was so wonderful.
So as you work your way through the various steps above, always be listening to the still, small voice inside.
He listened to the voice of the prophet Amos, so he took up the Poor People's Campaign.
So I continue to not only be in support of the marginalized and silenced, but intend to continue to provide places where they can find their voice and use it to share their experiences with all who will listen.
I don't have time to listen to the voice that says this is the best we can do, that the march toward equality can only go so far, so fast.
Or rather, the ultimacy that he has been given is an ultimacy that stills and silences every human voice about the ultimate, so that here man will listen only to God.
... «With the help of the Holy Spirit, it is for the whole people of God, particularly its pastors and theologians, to listen to and distinguish the many voices of our times and to interpret them in the light of the divine Word, so that the revealed truth may be more deeply penetrated, better understood, and more suitably presented» [Gaudium et Spes, 44].
In a Western world which is so self - referential, all of us can benefit from listening to this voice of African Catholicism.
So, we literally walked through the protest, listened to their voices, and prayed for and with them.
Came out, I decided to listen on Audible so that I'd hear the book in her voice and perhaps increase my enjoyment.
So I say more banners, more protests and more fcuking booing because it is time our voices are being heard and listened to instead of being looked at as the second rate citizens.
Are you really naive enough to believe that Wenger would bring anyone into this current locker room that is going to be given a strong voice... have you not been watching, listening or reading about our club for years... Lehman is a blind Wenger follower, which is the only reason he was even considered... just for a second think of all the strong personalities that have played for this club that have never been seriously considered even though they have expressed legitimate interest in participating in the coaching process... even worse, think of all the former greats who aren't even allowed on the same pitch as Wenger because they have offered their advice and / or criticism to the infallible one... I dare you to find a manager that has distanced himself from his former players as much as this man... it's the very reason why only one player I can think of has ever returned to play for Wenger and that was Flamini, which was hilarious considering we were desperately looking for a top quality defensive midfielder but Wenger could somehow find no one better than Flamini in the whole wide world... let's face it this club was simply trying to appease it's disgruntled fans by declaring that Wenger would no longer be given Ca rte Blanche when it came to the backroom staff so they probably asked him to give them a list of those who he would allow in the locker room... on that list he wrote Lehman, Pires and Bergkamp, likely because the first two are the only former players who haven't publicly questioned his horrible decision - making and the last one because he won't get in an airplane
I start to believe that wenger is a psychotic of paranoya, he has became a dictator he just listen to his voice and resists any other opinion i got sick of this As much i loved wenger for years as much i can't take this any more all arsenal fans see that coming so wenger must have seen it as as well but he just want to prove him self a genius and arsenal just go to hell
This may mean stepping outside of our comfort zone to look into something we disagree with and to LISTEN to the voices of individuals who come here from so many different walks of life.
I think what's been so exciting [transitioning] out of my career and into, as you said, the causes I can focus even more energy on, very early out of the gate, [is that you] have a voice that people listen to, a lot of responsibility.
The baby reacts to external changes, so mom should make the baby feel comfortable speaking to him in a tender voice and listening to soft music.
Amazon listens to their customers more than they do their sellers, sadly, so please please Amazon customers, keep voicing your opinion to Amazon and demand that they change their practices of practicing and condoning fraud.
I was so addicted to his smooth, sexy voice and his enchanting lyrics... I had to listen to him every day.
So by the time he's born, he's already familiar with the sound of your voice and will love to listen to you coo and babble to him.
SUNNY GAULT: Alright, well Brittany thanks so much for sending this in if you are listening and you are like, I got this great hack that I want to share with The Boob Group audience, we would love to hear it, you can go to our website at and click the contact link at the bottomed if you want to email us also throw the website you can send us a voice mail straight through your computer, don't even have to pick up a phone anymore, you can post to our Facebook page there's a lot of different ways you can reach out to us, hopeful we will get it and we'll put it on a future episode for you.
Also, your milk letdown and production are cued by your baby, so try looking at a picture of your baby, listening to a recording of her voice, or inhaling the scent from her blanket or sleeper as you begin to pump.
«Traveling the district and listening to people's concerns so that I can be an effective voice for them in Albany.
The voices sound more like the chatter of ghosts,» A-Plus told the host, adding: «So give me up to tomorrow morning to listen to the tape then I'm sure I can confirm its content to the people of Ghana.
I have not had the chance to listen to any tape suggesting I was the one and so there is no way I can own that voice.
But, I think the difference is who can communicate the best and really represent and also be able to, I'm going to say, pull in Republicans that understand that I am a voice that will listen to them and not be so hard - lined on so many issues.»
So your politics can't be about telling communities what you've concluded; it's got to be about asking them, listening to the voices of people who need us on their side and responding.
So a dog really does listen to its master's voice.
I've also learned to use my naturally soft voice as an advantage, getting people to listen more intently when I need them to do so
So the pledge by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to heed public opinion when naming celestial bodies is in - keeping with the zeitgeist — even if its hand was forced by the good - natured outcry over its earlier decision to ignore a bid, led by Star Trek star William Shatner, to name a Plutonian moon «Vulcan» (see «Official planet namer listens to voice of the people «-RRB-.
My heart was a voice I'd chosen not to listen to, especially after my first heartbreak, so I muted it altogether, and as the tension built toward my senior year, I was perpetually unhappy and terrified that my choices would lead to more of the same.
The reason why you might find it difficult to listen to that inner voice is because there are so many other voices vying for your attention.
Free... To have a free and playful spirit is such a rarity nowadays... Either we're all too swamped in our day - to - day lives with all of the problems (smaller or bigger ones), endless schedules, routines, etc. that I have a feeling many of us forget to be in touch with ourselves... We forget to listen to our souls and follow the voice «inside» of us that is so often being «shut down» because we still have this one more thing to do that we might not really feel like, but we have to, or we have this one more place we have to go to, worrying that we're missing out in life if we don't go, etcTo have a free and playful spirit is such a rarity nowadays... Either we're all too swamped in our day - to - day lives with all of the problems (smaller or bigger ones), endless schedules, routines, etc. that I have a feeling many of us forget to be in touch with ourselves... We forget to listen to our souls and follow the voice «inside» of us that is so often being «shut down» because we still have this one more thing to do that we might not really feel like, but we have to, or we have this one more place we have to go to, worrying that we're missing out in life if we don't go, etcto - day lives with all of the problems (smaller or bigger ones), endless schedules, routines, etc. that I have a feeling many of us forget to be in touch with ourselves... We forget to listen to our souls and follow the voice «inside» of us that is so often being «shut down» because we still have this one more thing to do that we might not really feel like, but we have to, or we have this one more place we have to go to, worrying that we're missing out in life if we don't go, etcto be in touch with ourselves... We forget to listen to our souls and follow the voice «inside» of us that is so often being «shut down» because we still have this one more thing to do that we might not really feel like, but we have to, or we have this one more place we have to go to, worrying that we're missing out in life if we don't go, etcto listen to our souls and follow the voice «inside» of us that is so often being «shut down» because we still have this one more thing to do that we might not really feel like, but we have to, or we have this one more place we have to go to, worrying that we're missing out in life if we don't go, etcto our souls and follow the voice «inside» of us that is so often being «shut down» because we still have this one more thing to do that we might not really feel like, but we have to, or we have this one more place we have to go to, worrying that we're missing out in life if we don't go, etcto do that we might not really feel like, but we have to, or we have this one more place we have to go to, worrying that we're missing out in life if we don't go, etcto, or we have this one more place we have to go to, worrying that we're missing out in life if we don't go, etcto go to, worrying that we're missing out in life if we don't go, etcto, worrying that we're missing out in life if we don't go, etc..
Recently, I listened to J Lo (Jennifer Lopez) in an interview on good morning Britain where she talked about her insecurities of been judged about her voice for so many years and how she was able to overcome the insecurities.
it is happening often when I wear all dark colors like you have here,,, but I am refusing to listen to those voices that say don't wear so much black... I love black and feel great in it!
She was a new - to - me artist and there is something so soothing about her voice that I listened to her album on repeat all day yesterday.
Their job is to listen to you, so reach out frequently and respectfully to voice your opinions.
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