Sentences with phrase «so underestimate»

So my underestimate of the annual cost of non-teaching staff is $ 60,000 per employee.
You're so underestimate yourself!
To do so underestimates the goodwill of scientists and probably over-over their abilities.
And the director totally locates the story's money shot, when George Smiley, so brilliant, so overlooked, so underestimated, quietly surveys the result of his grand counterintel power play.
Doing so underestimates the value of the roles people play in the spreading of ideas and practically dehumanizes overall experiences.
So underestimating the delay by two decades is a 36 % error (0.8 * 0.8 = 0.64 = 100 — 36) in the temperature rise for one doubling of CO2.
We found that the groups previously analysing the data failed to properly account for various biases in the data, and so underestimated the rate of 1950s - 1970s cooling, and overestimated the rate of 1980s - 2000s warming.

Not exact matches

Slack is so familiar that most people seriously underestimate what they could accomplish with it.
A report by Aberdeen Group finds that businesses with social customer service experience around 7.5 percent year - over-year growth (compared to 2.9 percent without social customer service), so don't underestimate its value.
Companies can be transparent about what certain positions pay so that candidates who underestimate their worth don't settle for being underpaid.
As Facebook's recent scandals have shown, the company tends to underestimate how bad actors can manipulate its service, so people will have to take Zuckerberg's word that the company built the dating service while anticipating how personal data could potentially be leaked.
Speaking in Houston last week at the Circular Summit, Marcelo talked about the early days of her company, and particularly her experiences raising so much money, while also sometimes being underestimated as a woman tech CEO.
Seem more befuddled than you are so your opponent will underestimate you.
Until that happens, with so much at risk it's no wonder that breach numbers are vastly underestimated
Shares of Axon roared 28 percent the day after the report and another 14 percent in the next week, making Cramer wonder how Wall Street managed to underestimate it so dramatically.
You can't underestimate the challenge of educating consumers, because there are so many new things these days and there's almost information overload.
Twitter has a unique role in a social media strategy, and so do other venues, whose value could be underestimated if you focus too much on the volume of brand mentions.
So it's hard to underestimate the significance of McNamee's increasingly public criticism of Facebook over the last couple of years, particularly in the light of the growing Cambridge Analytica storm.
«There are so many options available and you may be underestimating the possibilities if you don't take the time to have a conversation about your future with a financial planner.»
But some other critics have in a sense taken the other side of this trade, contending that if anything the formula underestimates the potential liability of long - dated options by failing to adequately account for so - called tail risk — the prospect that the markets will collapse under the weight of, say, a giant housing bubble.
So, don't underestimate the power that your employees have in helping your company gain more exposure for your brand.
Using a social presence (So) to engage on a local level (Lo) through mobile devices (Mo) can't be underestimated.
Our mission is to help underestimated founders succeed, so if this timing doesn't work for closing your current funding round, we recommend you move ahead and we hope to explore working together in future.
But he underestimates both the language and the ethnic barriers, since so much of the Pietist influence came in Dutch and German packaging — languages and cultures that did not count for much among those of English descent.
And if he is real, then you are underestimating him so much that it is surely some sort of sin.
But triumphalists do not notice these possibilities or else they underestimate them, and so their language and behaviour assume that false tone of self - assurance and superior knowledge which repels people of the present day and makes them distrustful and obstinate towards representatives of the Church's ministry.
I have learned to never underestimate the human capacity to learn and transcend the mundane lies of the so called religious.
Perhaps because the Klan is universally familiar, Americans are apt to ignore or even to laugh at it, yet to underestimate the hatred inherent in the Klan's ideology and the violent and criminal acts that this ideology so often motivates its adherents to commit, is to make a serious error.
Just as calls to Marxify Hegelianism invariably underestimate Marx's own advance on Hegel, so calls to Thomisticize Aristotle invariably underestimate Thomas» advance on Aristotle.
Our misfortune is that we underestimate God's loving mercy and so belittle our need for it.
Let us not underestimate what is involved when we so easily assert that new ways must be found to make old affirmations!
On the other hand, the number of Christians who consider themselves members of this group is so remarkably large that it must startle the innocent outsider who, preoccupied with the problems of modern life, is apt to underestimate the number of those who cultivate their Christian traditionalism with a loyalty as curious as it is admirable.
If you so drastically underestimate her ability to be the equal of a male, she will likely end up 16 and pregnant.
Asked for a letter of explanation, Cairns himself went so far as to write, «I have come to see the poem as a mistake,» adding that it was intended for a secular audience and that he had underestimated its effect on conservative Christians.
And so we see this is what we have precisely done by reading the news; now facing the 6th mass extinction event in the planets history and accelerating climate change which we severely underestimated.
There is a tendency in some quarters today to put the stress so completely on God's redemptive act in Christ as to underestimate the ethical teachings of Jesus.
Since we are not accustomed to expect perceptions in this mode, we are not attuned to them and so deny their presence and underestimate their importance.
Arturo Carlo Jemolo, with his ceaseless struggle to defend religious liberty, critically, polemically, and legally, is such an example.42 So is Danilo Dolci, with his effort to find, outside of any religious or ideological orthodoxy, forms of social participation that will be neither impersonally bureaucratic nor boss dominated.43 Nor should the achievements of many such men, working through parties and independently, be underestimated.
So often we underestimate the desire for truth and meaning.
I underestimated my time for this so I brought out a soft box to take some nighttime photos, but I'm not happy with them at all.
So many cookbooks underestimate the visual aspect, and how a mouth watering photo can urge us to try a recipe we might not otherwise have attempted.
We were so astounded by the radioactive berries that we took the journey to the farm twice, since we underestimated the rarity of the situation and didn't gather enough the first time around.
We can't underestimate the impact of Brexit, it affects everyone as no one makes a lot of money selling wine in the UK as it is, so it will be a big challenge for us moving forward,» he admitted.
I usually underestimate how much people will eat too, so by the time people leave there is usually just one cookie left or one spoonful of dip.
I'm so thankful I have prioritised those elements, but I truly underestimated the importance of emotional wellbeing and taking care of the other stuff.
It is so easy to underestimate calories going in and overestimate calories burned through activity.
We certainly hope so and I think a lot of people are underestimating the effect that our injury problems had in the first half of last season.
Arsenal can not afford to underestimate Burnley, who not so long ago defeated a lethargic Manchester City side at home, and need to emphasize on scoring that all - important first goal early on in the game.
So do nt underestimate them.
«I beat him the last two years, so I kind of underestimated him and got caught.»
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