Sentences with phrase «so while part»

So while a part of your money is safely invested in an insurance fund and your family is assured of a fixed death benefit, the remaining of the money is invested in the volatile market.
So while this part of the organization may not have been managed as effectively as it could have been in the past, it is now a highly efficient and well - managed machine.
So while part of me is excited with the anticipation of getting this out the door, it's also a little unreal.
So while part of me felt bad that I wasn't strictly sticking to my healthy weeknight meal plan, the truth is, I had no inspired healthy weeknight meals in mind.
So while a part of me was beating myself up for eating that pizza, the other half was telling me «you don't eat like you used to, It's one slice of pizza — enjoy it and move on!»

Not exact matches

«Alarmingly the Auditor General said that while $ 200 million was the amount he could track, the processes were so poor he had no idea how much was being spent within individual government agencies as part of the project,» Mr Buswell said.
Researchers compare this strange localized sleep to that of dolphins, who are able to rest underwater while some part of their brain stays active enough to remind them to surface for air every so often.
I needed to figure out how to buy that part while I was next to my speaker system so I could examine their part numbers and other information printed on the speakers.
We were so little at the time that I would push the rolling motor part, while my sister operated the handle end (more problem - solving).
While doing so is certainly part of the equation, programming and database optimization are equally important.
One master calendar is all that's necessary for scheduling their free time and family time so each critical part of life is maintained and managed while they passionately run an empire.
While hyping your business is certainly a generally accepted part of media relations, doing so in order to intentionally misrepresent your organization can be ethically dubious.
While both parties need to watch out for ill - intentioned people, doing your due diligence is part of approaching a rent - to - own situation so it has the best chance of working out favorably for both the buyer and seller.
So, while you will do better on the rent vs. mortgage payment part of the equation — rent will go up with inflation and your mortgage payment will remain fixed — you will do worse on the investment part.
So part of my consulting role was to teach micromanagement of the service provider's appointment book to make the most of their available seconds while keeping their schedule as close to on time as possible.
But, while it may not be true that the Obama White House directly orchestrated a plot to monitor the Trump campaign — indeed, Obama has refuted the allegations — Trump's claims are loosely based on existing evidence that the FBI was doing so as part of an investigation into Trump staffers» alleged ties to Russia.
So while the entire article reads as an indictment of Nest, it's worth looking beyond the juicy details to understand how Nest's flaws exist in other parts of Silicon Valley.
While GE's Aviation unit has so far been the most active in using the 3D printing technology, parts are also being designed in its Power, Oil & Gas and Healthcare units, as well as across GE's services businesses.
THE whole picture of industry, business, and amusements, then, may be summed up by repeating that while there are certain industries which Jews dominate and certain industries in which Jewish participation is considerable there are also vast industrial fields, generally reckoned as the most typical of our civilization, in which they play a part so inconsiderable as not to count in the total picture.
As part of the proposed settlement, Google agreed to change the way it scans incoming messages so that it no longer reads emails while they are in transit, but only when they are in someone's inbox.
Be careful because you can accidentally cook some parts while thawing, so make sure to always cook fully through after thawing in the microwave.
Canada did so as part of a broad alliance called Mission Innovation — a «global partnership aimed at doubling government investment in clean energy innovation over five years, while encouraging private sector leadership in clean energy.»
People briefed on the plan, who asked for anonymity because the discussions were private, said the executives decided to announce the initiative while still a concept in part so they can begin hiring staff for the new company.
They had a two - year wait list for one - year - olds (so get on it while you're still pregnant) and didn't even offer part - time care at all.
In part the explanation is that while offshoring of many low - skill jobs in textiles, electronics assembly, had little impact on the dollar because the imports that replaced goods manufactured at home were so dirt cheap, the increase in corporate profits due to off - shoring caused a flood of investment in the US stock market.
«I've known Missy for over 30 years and while she's now in Florida and I remain in Marietta, the family ties that are so much a part of Marietta City Schools run strong,» Meaders wrote.
The so - called «reflationary trade», while in large part based on improving economic dynamics, also owes something to expectations that the new US -LSB-...]
The starting point is the cyclical view, and while the PMI has been in and out of contraction, the unemployment rate has fallen to 20 year lows so there is some positive trends underway in Japan's economy and this is likely part of the reason.
«Part of our Sector Weight thesis longer term has been the view that at some point, investors might start to care that a significant portion... of the company's gross profit pool was no longer growing, and so while investors largely care about Model 3 for the moment, that S / X continue to point toward these trends makes multiple expansion arguments more challenging,» analysts Elliot Arnson and Brad Erickson said in a Wednesday note.
I happen to hold three, ED, SO and D and while not a large part of my portfolio I feel every long term dividend investor should find some space for a utility or two.
Well guys it is Hell already here on earth endless killings worldwide... Back here where I am Ye is already heading towards that the whole country is on demonstrations demanding resignation of the ruler but he seems unwilling to resign before the end of his ruling period on 2013, while the streets are demanding immediate resignation and that has caused bloodshed in every city in the country... the streets demonstrations has enforced civil strikes all over the country which is now paralyzed... no cash with the banks all money frozen in the central bank... My business is in the field of services therefore I find my self now obliged to dismiss part of my staff in order to be able to survive this unfortunate thing... Already have reduced working hour to one shift to reduce running cost... so you see am now sitting alone in the whole building of our business office writing here as nothing can be done to carry on business even if there is business... Just I pray these unfortunate events passes over soon before it becomes out of control as had happened in Libya... we have nothing to say but (Ina - Lilah - WaIna - Alih - Ragoon) & (Alhmed - Lilah for every thing)... «Mankind has always been Hasty while God has always been the most Patient»...
While this is part of it, evolution is so much more.
So, while it might appear to someone outside of the Faiths to think that many are not thinkers I would argue that a thought and reasoning is a active part of the Faith.
well like i said you skipped that part while doing your reaserch but thats ok because there is no proof on way or the other so you belive your way and i will belive mine in other words you be you and I'll be me and i like me a whole lot better
I read a while back that UK Catholics were being asked for donations to finance the trip, so I figured that at least * that * money wouldn't go to the Church as regular «Sunday» donations; but whatever part of it that the UK has to pop for is, I suppose, an issue between the populace and their gov «t.
We can refrain from futile inquiry into the mind of God, while still asking what part of the Jewish consciousness was so ruptured by the Temple's destruction that we still plead for its restoration.
So if one person is thinking only about the parts of the gospel that tell a person how to go to heaven when they die or receive eternal life (faith alone in Christ alone), while another person is thinking about the parts of the gospel which tell followers of Jesus how to live on this earth (discipleship, obedience, faithful living), but both persons keep using the term «gospel,» the argument quickly becomes quite messy.
So, my next step was to simply accept that this was not something I had any desire to be a part of but I thought I would just attempt to ignore it while continuing to enjoy nakedpastor.
Ken Ham challenged Bill Nye to a debate, even while Ken Ham continues to run from me and my proposal that he «come out» and «come clean» regarding his positions relating to my argument that so many of his followers rail against but which quite properly is able to demonstrate why it is, in part, that young - earth creation - science promoters have failed in their scientific pretensions and legal challenges.
We can be personally involved in a few ventures, but we need to be part of a movement that supports many others in diverse ventures, so that we can take part in healing the world on many fronts even while our own efforts are extremely limited.
So I would urge that in the labor which a Christian undertakes as part of discipleship, what is required as a motivation and inspiration is worship: while genuine worship is itself something done, with as much of self as the man or woman engaging in it can manage to bring to this exercise of creaturely dependence and humble obedience.
A part time consulting job to supplement our income led to another full time job and a leave of absence and all I know is that while he was ministering I saw him less than I do now even though he is working in LA (I live on Lake Superior) and he is so much happier.
So while he welcomed the re-establishment of «neo-orthodoxy» and the reassertion of key teachings and disciplines in many parts of the Church in recent years, Holloway by no means saw this as the whole solution.
While well - paying, career jobs in industry and large corporations decline, the number of low - paying menial jobs and part - time jobs increases, so that almost anyone with the capacity to work can find something.
Holly its not about how we feel its the decision you made to accept Jesus so you are saved and you are now part of Gods family and the body of Christ.The enemy likes to play mind games to make us doubt our faith especially as a new believer.The word tells us that when we believe in Jesus we are saved.John 3:16 Personally i do nt believe we can lose that as it is a free gift not based on what we do right or do wrong.As he died for us while we were still sinners..
Within that functional world - village, we find now existing genocidal war (Indochina), cold war, nuclear weapons threats, conventional weapons threats, colonialism and neo-colonialism, wildly unbalanced use of resources so that a major part of the world population starves or verges on starvation while a minor part consumes lavishly, racism, ignorance, a defilement of the environment through pollution of air, water and soil, and reckless wastage of irreplaceable resources.
Peters's principal claim is that his projection shows all parts of the world in proportion to their true areas, while the Mercator Projection greatly distorts relative areas so that Europe, the Soviet Union, Canada and Greenland are shown as far larger relative to South America and Africa than they really are.
The projection of the Peter's map shows all parts of the world in proportion to their true areas, while the Mercator Projection greatly distorts relative areas so that Europe, the Soviet Union, Canada and Greenland are shown as far larger relative to South America and Africa than they really are.
So, while there surely also are many more parts of the Bible, and not saying that swords weren't often commonplace, it doesn't really advocate for anyone to run around etc. with any kind of rifle / gun.
Thus Absalom, while in Geshur, vowed a vow to the Yahweh in Hebron (or so he claimed as part of his scheme of revolt) and, in course of time, went away from the official shrine in Jerusalem in order to pay this vow in Hebron.
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