Sentences with phrase «social comparison means»

Not exact matches

It is extremely necessary to point out that the crazies that made this outrageous comparison and those that spit on 8 - year - old girls are not ultra-orthodox Jews, but lunatics that do not understand what it means to be a Jew adherent to the Torah laws pertaining observance and social conduct.
Dr. Amy isn't making a social statement on what that means, she's just making sure the comparisons are right.
BRA < # X means person # X's 16PF5 Report KET # Y > means person # Y's 16PF5 Report CQ means Comparison Operator < # X CQ # Y > means the Comparison between client # X and client # Y < # X CQ # Y > == K01 + K02 + K03 + K04 + K05 + K06 + K07 + K08 + K09 + K10 + K11 + K12 + K13 + K14 + K15 + K16 (A) Warmth; (B) Reasoning; (C) Emotional Stability; (E) Liveliness; (G) RuleConsciousness; (H) Social Boldness; (I) Sensitivity; (L) Vigilance; (M) Abstractedness; (N) Privateness (O) Apprehension; (Q1) Openness to Change; (Q2) SelfReliance; (Q3) Perfectionism; (Q4) Tension.
Social networking is the quickly becoming the premiere means of developing strong and communicative groups that would otherwise be unable to function This is a list of major active social networking websites and excludes dating websites (see Comparison of online dating websSocial networking is the quickly becoming the premiere means of developing strong and communicative groups that would otherwise be unable to function This is a list of major active social networking websites and excludes dating websites (see Comparison of online dating webssocial networking websites and excludes dating websites (see Comparison of online dating websites).
Comparisons of school means on post-FAST surveys indicate that parents in FAST schools experience more extensive social networks than those in control schools, but the differences are much more apparent in Phoenix than in San Antonio.
An examination of the social interaction context and the developmental pattern of socio - emotional functioning from the within - cultural perspective is the first step toward understanding its meaning and significance and provides a critical and necessary foundation for cross-cultural comparisons on children's socio - emotional functioning.
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