Sentences with phrase «social mobility allows»

Social mobility allows people to move up and down BUT it still leaves a load of people at the bottom with very little freedom.

Not exact matches

Of all the empirically available stratification systems, class allows for the highest degree of social mobility (upward as well as downward).
Leadership candidate Mr Smith attacked Mr Corbyn for allowing Mrs May to paint the Conservatives as the party of social mobility.
Alan Milburn MP, chair of the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission (SMCPC), said the installation of written exams could mean excluding disadvantaged pupils and only allowing access to pupils from richer backgrounds who could use private tutoring to get through the tests.
He said: «Apprenticeships can do much for social mobility, allowing people to gain a recognised qualification and professional skills while earning a salary.
Opponents warn that the plan to allow existing grammar schools to expand would be bad for social mobility.
From New York Times» columnist David Brooks and Jason DePerle, to paleo - eugenicist Charles Murray, to Robert Putnam, and even otherwise thoughtful school reformers such as Thomas B. Fordham Institute's Michael Petrilli, there has been plenty of questioning about whether the economic mobility that has allowed America to bend the economic and social arc of history toward progress can continue.
The Sunday Telegraph quoted an unnamed government source as saying that allowing new grammars would be about «social mobility and making sure that people have the opportunity to capitalise on all of their talents».
The general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, Mary Bousted, said: «A government that is serious about social mobility would not allow the expansion of selective schools.
The consultation says: «These changes are consistent with the government's social mobility agenda and will allow schools the opportunity to support the least advantaged in society in a practical way.»
KCC has said it is looking for better social mobility, allowing more children from all walks of life to get into grammar schools.
«A Government that is serious about social mobility would not allow the expansion of selective schools.
The 15 - year research synthesis from the American Educational Research Association (AERA), «Research Synthesis of the Associations Between Socioeconomic Background, Inequality, School Climate, and Academic Achievement,» suggests that by promoting a positive climate, schools can allow greater equality in educational opportunities, decrease socioeconomic inequalities, and enable more social mobility for students.
Student loans were created as way to increase social mobility and invest in the future by allowing everyone the means to receive a higher education.
As Law Society president Roberts Bourns puts it: «Firms with good diversity, inclusion and social mobility policies have a competitive advantage... Not only do solicitors themselves come from an ever widening pool — reflecting the diverse society of which we are part and which we serve — but new business models are flourishing, allowing us to provide an ever more tailored service to our clients.»
This will allow for a properly informed discussion on SQE's introduction and the potential effects it may or may not have on social mobility in the sector.
«It's all about opening up opportunities and social mobilityallowing kids to think that they can do it.
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