Sentences with phrase «social services organizations receiving»

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Yet the draft describes wide - ranging protections, saying, «Persons and organizations do not forfeit their religious freedom when providing social services, education, or healthcare; earning a living, seeking a job, or employing others; receiving government grants or contracts; or otherwise participating in the marketplace, the public square, or interfacing with federal, state, or local governments.»
But the order also states that faith - based organizations receiving federal dollars may use their facilities to provide government - backed social services, even if those facilities include religious art, icons, scriptures and other religious symbols.
In addition, if a client objects to receiving social services from a faith - based provider, under Charitable Choice the government must ensure that the person obtains assistance from another organization.
The organization provides crates to shelters so the homeless can bring their pets in with them and receive the necessary social services that will help support them out of homelessness.
We do not receive funding from any other non-profit, social service organization, or government agency.
In his native Los Angeles, the artist used some of the funds he received after being selected for a 2009 MacArthur «genius» fellowship to co-found a social service organization that provides job training and other skills to teens living in foster care, and that brings museum - quality art exhibits to underserved neighborhoods.
Local agencies — such as tribal organizations and departments of health, human services, or education — match home visitors with new or expectant parents interested in receiving services.2 Home visiting is a voluntary, home - based service - delivery strategy that provides services to parents and children that help the whole family.3 Parents often learn about home visiting through their children's pediatricians, social workers, and other support professionals.
The definition of «clinical social work» contained in this subsection includes all services offered directly to the general public or through organizations, whether public or private, and applies whether payment is requested or received for services rendered.
The applicant submits proof satisfactory to the department that the applicant has received a doctoral degree in social work, or a master's degree with a major emphasis or specialty in clinical practice or administration, including, but not limited to, agency administration and supervision, program planning and evaluation, staff development, research, community organization, community services, social planning, and human service advocacy.
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