Sentences with phrase «socialist regime did»

Not exact matches

It is true that Rawls did not argue for a citizen's basic liberty to own productive resources; he believed that justice could be achieved under different regimes of property - ownership, whether fundamentally capitalist or socialist in nature.
Beyond that, whether a socialist or communist policy regime would support anti-trust laws or not doesn't matter.
Of course there is a continuum with Pol Pot type communistic regimes at one end and socialist states like the Scandinavian ones on the left side of the continuum and the US on the right; and while I don't want to get into the relative virtues of socialism, or not, from the viewpoint of green ideology, individual rights such as property rights and equality before the law are anthema to them as I note here:
The president, like his globalist cadres at the UN, is working feverishly to use climate change to remake the political order of the globe — before the wheels come completely off the global - warming bandwagon — so that countries and their peoples kowtow to a new international socialist regime based out of the UN, a regime that literally tells individuals what they can and can not do.
Of course they don't think the regimes that promoted this idea were necessarily evil or that the socialist basis of these regimes is necessarily bad, indicating that their sense of ethics and morals is somewhat compromised.
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