Sentences with phrase «socratic dialogue»

The case method and teaching by Socratic dialogue have been around for 160 years.
Something you believe that you want to lead others to by a Socratic dialogue?
In 1937 Graham authored an influential Socratic dialogue entitled System and Dialectics in Art.
Some of Barham's recent work has drawn on elements from Plato's Cratylus; a Socratic dialogue that investigates the «correctness of names» asking if writing is really the imitation of reality in letters and syllables.
They strive to engage students in Socratic dialogue informally as well.
Khan adds that freed up class time allows teachers to focus on more important things such as «interventions, simulations, Socratic dialogue, and projects.»
Lessons Titles include: Types of truth, Socrates, Socratic Dialogue, Plato, The Analogy of the cave, Aristotle, Comparison of philosophers and then revision.
The EVIL GENIUS over at Stand By For Mind Control Blog nails the problem with modern screenwriting, as evidenced by MAN OF STEEL, right here in Socratic dialogue mode:
Something you believe that you want to lead others to by a Socratic dialogue?
In fact, although the book aims at «small truths» and focuses on topics or several topics within each chapter, it avoids what I consider the rigid feeling of a Socratic dialogue, laser - focused on discovering one, universal truth.
Wink proposes a form of Bible study which uses Socratic dialogue as a way of finding what the text says to us today.
Jurgen Habermas comments on the ontological illusion that Socratic dialogue is possible under any and all circumstances; whereas in fact attempts at dialogue are repeatedly closed off by invisible interests hidden behind objectivism's desire to derive everything from itself.
Suppose a group of us is in a circle examining the story of the paralytic in a Gospel synopsis, using as our modus operandi a consistently maintained Socratic dialogue.
A somewhat Socratic dialogue ensues, in which the answer is finally given.
Unless you have evolved past Socratic dialogue and theo - logic, I think you could do me the charity of even just playing by another language game.
Instead, in - class time can be spent having peer - to - peer socratic dialogues, case - based discussions, programming and project based learning.
The debates aren't amazing Socratic dialogues.

Not exact matches

Lear marvels that so much of what passes for commentary on Socratic irony in Plato's dialogues has to do exclusively with the question of whether Socrates dissembles, whether he wears a mask of unknowing behind which lurks either certainty about important matters or skepticism, perhaps even nihilism.
Differentiating Through Collaborative Dialogue: How Extending Socratic Seminars Into Online Spaces Can Challenge Every Child
In this lesson, students will participate in a Socratic Seminar using the Palm Beach Post article to dialogue about the impact of AIDS in the Dominican Republic.
In the Socratic Seminar, the teacher's main role is to facilitate a dialogue but not a debate, through questioning thathelps students take greater responsibility for their own thinking and talking.These discussions are used as the foundation for a variety of writing responses that enable students to reflect upon the dialogue, deepen their own thinking and clarify their own ideas.While often used in English Language Arts classrooms, Socratic Seminars can be used in social studies, science even art and music classrooms.
«The report concludes that the Socratic «case dialogue» method that dominates law - school teaching does a good job of teaching students legal - reasoning skills but does little to prepare them to work with people or juggle morally complex issues.»
In law school, most upcoming lawyers are exposed to the so - called «Socratic Method,» in which the professor — generally in modern dress and typically not speaking Greek — seeks to compel the student to find or discover or discern or make a lucky guess at the point of doctrine under consideration, much as the character we know as «Socrates» in the Dialogues of Plato does with his students or debating partners.
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