Sentences with phrase «something interesting popped»

Something interesting popped onto the screen:
Something interesting popped onto the screen: Yes, that's a Blue State...
Something interesting popped up on one of the online politics discussion groups today — once you're on Rudy Giuliani's supporter email list, you can check out any time you like, but it looks as though you can never leave.
Spending most of my time in Belize doesn't afford me as many opportunities to attend the fancy wine pairing dinners I was so fond of in Taiwan; however, every once in a while something interesting pops up that I just can't resist.

Not exact matches

It was trying to just populate your feed with something interesting, and so they would say... If you bought something, it would pop on your feed without your permission, essentially.
Well, audiobooks are a perfect compromise, they give you something interesting to focus on while the baby feeds and you don't have to stare at a screen, all you need to do is pop the headphones and enjoy.
A couple of interesting articles popped into my news feed today — about a couple of celebrities who've been getting good results with the paleo diet (or something sounding pretty close to it).
It's interesting how they've evolved from the first little signs of movement, little scratches and pops, to sturdier, more insistent thumps, and now to the unmistakable sensation of something, someone, moving their limbs around inside of me.
At this point, we're running out of time for the last Infinity Stone to pop up within the MCU — and while Thanos could just have it in his pocket or something, it'd be much more interesting to see him fight an entire country of technologically - advanced war people to get it.
I thought it was interesting you found something like that with Philly — and obviously the bike racing stuff as well, which makes the environment pop.
There's scant wiggle room even for something that the industry calls «counter-programming,» which is a film released to a market to attract moviegoers who aren't interested in football or Star Wars or whatever other big pop - culture thing is happening.
There's always that little thrill I feel whenever a convention rolls around, and a news item pops up on Twitter or Anime News Network or somewhere that «Publisher A has licensed this, this and this,» and there's something in that list that sounds interesting enough for me to give it a shot when it finally shows up.
Finding items of interest in the environment is as simple as wandering around and clicking on things when they pop - up, but when examining something such as a desk with numerous objects you'll get a close - up view and a cursor which lights up when hovering above something that can be checked out.
He loves to turn a portrait photograph into something you'd expect to see from that black reel of film, all those years ago — adding just a splash of colour and interest to really make the image pop.
There are very interesting moments, such as the collapsing lighthouse, which looks like something out of a toddler - destroyed pop - up book, but on the whole it sprawls incoherently.
«I'm interested in what happens when things move out of categories,» she said, «so when social history moves out of documentary category, but still remains social historical, and gets combined with something that is a lot more immersive and emotional, like pop music, which has an immediate physiological and emotional effect.»
Hong showed the BBC how Cambridge Analytica could identify if, say, it was targeting a working mother concerned about childcare: She probably wouldn't be interested in «a war ridden destructive ad» popping up in her Facebook app, but might respond to something more «warm and fuzzy,» lacking Trump's voice, Hong said.
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