Sentences with phrase «soon after the collapse»

Soon after the collapse, Canada's Loblaw came forward toconfirm a connection with the building.
Soon after the collapse of the talks in The Hague, George W. Bush was elected president.
• Teeton Dam, USA, about 22 from memory (I was in Canada at the time working on the Revelstoke Project (see link in previous comment) and we visited it soon after the collapse (so its imprinted on my brain).

Not exact matches

With hindsight, it seems inevitable that Russia would sooner or later collide with its pint - size former territory, which, aside from becoming a major tech hub, had rushed to join both NATO and the EU after the Soviet collapse.
Resentments of America returned, 50 years after General Eisenhower's (mainly American) armies had liberated western Europe, including most of Germany, 75 years after General Pershing's Expeditionary Forces saved the victory of France and the British Empire on the Western Front, and as soon as American firmness and economic and military power had induced the bloodless collapse of the Soviet empire and Union, and of international communism.
Clarke, fired from National Bank Financial soon after KHI collapsed, has already admitted brokering those trades.
Barbara Amiel, Black's wife, collapsed after learning her husband will soon return to a federal institution to sit out the rest of his sentence.
Soon after the Canadian dollar was floated the Bretton Woods system collapsed, and by 1973 all major currencies were floating against the US dollar.
While that was extremely difficult, what was even more painful was watching the company collapse soon after my departure, despite the capital infusion.
In models represented by options II and III in Figure 3.2, overshooting the sustainable capacity of the Earth occurs soon after the year 2000 with collapse occurring 100 years or so before resources run out.
It tasted fine, but as soon as I took out each muffin - sized portion after cooling for 15 minutes, it would collapse.
Its a tricky business finding that right time frame before it burns but after it's baked enough that it won't collapse as soon as you open the microwave.
Little did I know that my website would basically collapse on itself soon after I retuned, so what was just meant to be a brief pause in programming turned into an almost two - week long hiatus in which I was frantically trying to figure out what was wrong.
History tell us that collapses in the past have tended to be sudden and unexpected, [and] soon after a society had reached its peak power in population; and that's because peak power and peak population means peak resource consumption and peak demands on the environment.
Had the universe been slightly denser by one part in 1062, the expansion would have slowed and collapsed back on itself in a «big crunch» after 13.7 billion years (today's age of the universe according to the big bang theory).60 Had the universe been slightly less dense by one part in 1062, «the universe would have expanded «so quickly and become so sparse it would soon seem essentially empty, and gravity would not be strong enough by comparison to cause matter to collapse and form galaxies.61 The stretching explanation does not have this problem.
Unfortunately, the ordeal proves too much for Luke, who collapses soon after his projection fades.
Mr. Untouchable (R for brief nudity, violent images, pervasive profanity and continuous drug content) Uncritical documentary revisits the rise and fall of Nicky Barnes, the notorious Harlem heroin dealer whose million - dollar empire collapsed soon after he was featured on the cover of Time Magazine for being above the law.
One of the reasons that the Roman Empire is so fascinating is that in many ways it's so similar to our own society, in both cultural and psychological terms; knowing that soon after the time of Marcus Aurelius all the glory of Rome and its civilization would collapse and usher in a long era of cultural darkness, it's hard to avoid considering the possible parallels to our own situation.
A newly agreed cease - fire in the Gaza conflict collapsed soon after it came into effect on Friday.
Soon after, the housing bubble began to collapse the American market, and on May 1, 2009, Chrysler and GM filed for bankruptcy on the same day.
* vomiting / diarrhea soon after being stung * collapse / weakness after being stung * signs of shock without any known sting is possible (but rare)
At least five people died after collapsing while shoveling snow, while several victims were identified as homeless people who either refused shelter or didn't make it to a warm haven soon enough.
Arctic sea ice recovers Soon after global warming alarmists hollered that the Arctic was in collapse, the conditions there have -LSB-...]
In 2003, following the collapse of the dot - com bom, San Francisco - based firm Brobeck filed for bankruptcy, soon after Tower Snow moved his lucrative practice to Clifford Chance (apparently the right decision!).
Bitcoin was created in 2009, in the wake of the near - collapse of the global financial establishment and soon after an individual or group using the name «Satoshi Nakamoto» posted a paper online discussing the idea of a decentralized digital currency free from interference by governments and financial institutions.
After a collapse estimated at 70 % within eight days, the prediction that buyers will still support the token soon stays.
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