Sentences with phrase «special liability rules»

Special liability rules may apply to landlords when a tenant is injured due to a condition on the property.

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«Interestingly the TFSA provisions contain a special rule which allows the CRA to waive or cancel all or part of the penalty if you can establish «to the satisfaction of the Minister that the liability arose as a consequence of a reasonable error,» and that the individual acts without delay to fix the problem,» Mr. Hickey said in an e-mail.
Therefore, when children are involved in personal injury cases, there are a variety of special rules for liability and compensation that could apply, depending on the child's age and the circumstances of the -LSB-...]
Therefore, when children are involved in personal injury cases, there are a variety of special rules for liability and compensation that could apply, depending on the child's age and the circumstances of the case.
The potential options identified to address this include: expanding the definitions of what constitutes an «employee» and an «employer» and the scope of liability for the purposes of the ESA; extending the ESA's minimum standards to independent and dependent contractors; and reviewing existing exceptions and special rules (including with respect to overtime and hours of work).
The courts have repeatedly ruled that Realtors also possess special skills, have fiduciary duties and must adhere to a certain standard of care in the performance of their work, so logic would demand that this type of liability - by - proximity also extends to real estate professionals.
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